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  1. rob333

    Led guys chime in

    anything in the range of cutter to hlg to timber dont lack out on cheap shitty leds
  2. rob333

    Rob333 back with opium

    poppys grow best in a mild cold climate
  3. rob333

    has any one successfully gotten rid of a bad spider mite infestation?

    its not the mites they die within 3 days its the eggs u wanna get as 1 mite can lay up to 300-500 eggs all them hatch u got 300-500 mites then they lay eggs ;) @padawan i got what admin sent me u fucking loser lol rob333 has been mean and nasty to me and has been trolling my forum da fuck u sook...
  4. rob333

    has any one successfully gotten rid of a bad spider mite infestation?

    little advice dont listen to this fucking dog he just might report u and get you banned for 3 months ;) DO NOT USE 50/50 iso if u wanna see ur leaves die do it this guy is full of the shittest advice i have ever seen u call him out he goes and reports u to admin like a dog woof woof if u want to...
  5. rob333

    base of cannabis plant has swelled and starting to split

    ill have some pics later i am having issues with loading up rollitup takes likes 10 mins to load a page lol its kinda not fine as they split to a point of were the plant dies have lost 2 already they end up falling over or colasping into itself
  6. rob333

    base of cannabis plant has swelled and starting to split

    whats up ? the sky lol i have 4 girls with the base stock of the plant swelling and splitting the stem from the base into the pot is fine but if u go up 3-4 cm it has swelled almost 30 cm in width and now is starting to split it is not root rot as the roots are white and fine it is also not...
  7. rob333

    Soil VS Hydro flavor?

    it was kinda funny but at the end of the day its genetics and what u grow with if u grow with dirst and water its gunna taste like dirt but with the wmount of product on the market these days i can make my outdoor taste and look the same as hydro these days
  8. rob333

    Soil VS Hydro flavor?

    Organic tastes like dirt or earth hydro has the fruits to it
  9. rob333

    What's your top yield with LED?

    i get 7 oz per 15 i get 7 oz per 150w of hlg
  10. rob333

    Should I harvest? On 9th week of flower

    mine just all came down week 7 day 3 amber all over
  11. rob333

    Check my first plant, pre flowering after 20 days?

    them 150w agro lights are just bad not bad for veg and clones but flowering pfft
  12. rob333

    Ultimate SOG update

    and u will get more from 2-3 well grown plants then 30-40 straight from seed they only hold bout a oz each
  13. rob333

    Ultimate SOG update

    sea of green of pretty sure is a 100 and over u got like 20 so thats just a lot of plants like nice tho good luck
  14. rob333

    Do leds mature quicker

    Not the best pics I'll update when the lights come on
  15. rob333

    Do leds mature quicker

    hairs are all orange but ill get ya a pic not the best cause the lights are off ;)
  16. rob333

    Do leds mature quicker

    just pulling the piss ;) i never had a need for dimmers ;) more light the better i say ;)
  17. rob333

    Do leds mature quicker

    so from the sugars going into the bud sugars are pure milky and as i work my way into the bud we start seeing milky amber
  18. rob333

    Do leds mature quicker

    i have jewelers looped em and there going from milky to amber
  19. rob333

    Do leds mature quicker

    also my mate has a t1000 thing it stinks like burnt plastic 2 hours of being on
  20. rob333

    Do leds mature quicker

    thanks but no thank you mars is the worst leds i have ever used owned 2 and got nothing but bad luck and when i went to replace it use wanted a arm and a leg for it ;) i ended up using them as a stand in my room and now i have cutter qb boards which is 10x better then anything u guys can offer...