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  1. B

    Looking healthy? (pictures)

    i like this setup do you have it in the a box or something or just out in the open
  2. B


    I did search and people just show the box and lights and most of the times its a big overhead hanging light. Thanks for your help though chopper, I would use a box but there is no way that I can make one, can I buy one somewhere?
  3. B


    Ok so this is my first time growing in which you will probably be able to tell. I have no box or anything. I germinated the seeds and then put them in cups to start them off. They are about a inch tall and not even 1/16 inch wide. I was looking for some light to use at like home depot, target...
  4. B

    Gettin Started

    well im not trying to get seeds sent to my house plus i already have the ones i was talking about if i can use them then i want to do it, how would i go about doing that
  5. B

    Gettin Started

    Ok so I heard that you can use the seeds out of mids to start growing plants is this true?