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  1. V

    Long Term curing issues

    Anyone ever had their stuff revert back to that grassy, hay like smell after a few months? If so how can that be prevented? What causes it and so on?
  2. V

    what's the deficiency?

    Outdoors. Good soil. Used chemical fertilizers lightly, half strength or so. Epsom salts a few times. This just popped up in about the last week. All the other ones treated exactly the same do not show this issue. Still growing pretty good, but it just looks sick.
  3. V

    Does anyone know why the buds on this plant are turning pink?

    Right. Then, (in the ideal world) once it is refined and bred to an actual "strain", they should all be similar penotypes iirc? I think I got 3 distinct phenos from that batch, that season. One with the pink pistils, 2 with 'normal colored ones. But I mentioned that because it would indicate...
  4. V

    Does anyone know why the buds on this plant are turning pink?

    I've got some that do that. Some of them were nearly neon pink. I've also had them from the same batch of seeds have pink pistils and white/normal plants growing side by side. All from a so called bagseed plant that looked like some kind of indica a ways back.
  5. V

    Miracle grow

    Anyone remember Rapid-Grow or "Rapid-Gro", or was it "RA-PID-GRO"?
  6. V

    Miracle grow

    If only Miracle Gro would come out with a new marketing gimmick they may find more acceptance in the mjm or cannabis world. Something like maybe ... uhm... Miracle-Nuggz ©™, Miracle-Buddz ®™ Miracle-Shizzle ®™, and/or the likes, then get some OG rap hipsters to promote them. Replete with...
  7. V

    Miracle grow

    Top is about 1 week maybe after the daily rain stopped. They looked pathetic! Bottom is now. Used only the regular MG, at about half recommended strength, with some epsom salts around half as many times as the MG. Soil mix was 1/2 MG fortified time release, perlite, vermiculite and sand. No...
  8. V

    Miracle grow

    Lol Last year I got carried away with RUI bloom booster fever. Petioles turned red right when I first used them and it was looking bad. Then I stopped using the bloom booster and molasses. I got some good buds. They filled i n nicely and leaves never dropped wildly until frost hit them a couple...
  9. V

    Miracle grow

    Yep. At scott's own website they show the 15-30-15 at Amazon website there is the 10-52-10 What I found at...
  10. V

    Miracle grow

    I'm not impressed too much with the soil mixture. It will burn seedlings if you use to start them. There seems to be a variance in the quality from one bag to the next. The nutrients seem to leach out of it with too much rain or watering. Their chemical fertilizers have always done the trick...
  11. V

    Dumbest shiet you ever read here

    Earlier in the season there was someone who said that droplets of water on your plants would act as magnifying glasses in the bright sunshine and cause your plants to burn up. I LoL'd
  12. V

    many pistils, no calyxs

    I don't know offhand of any reference material pertaining directly to your issue, but you can search the web for marijuana botany by r. c. clarke and find good info. You can also look at the ripeness chart and see the development with approximate times. (search "when to harvest.jpg" in...
  13. V

    otdoor grow in soy bean field

    In addition to what pmumbry said, whatever weeds don't get it from herbicides etc, farmers will 'walk the beans' to manually pull any remaining weeds because they clog the harvest machines. So IOW, they would be spotted and pulled in a heartbeat. I've had success on the edge of cornfields. ymmv
  14. V

    many pistils, no calyxs

    Why didn't you just ask Jesus about your plants in the first place? Ecclesiastes 3 If that doesn't help you, look up marijuana plant physiology or botany and learn that pistils emerge from the calyx. The calyx swell later in flowering. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't...
  15. V

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    I just have a round-bottomed Voodoo mama to help chant and roll the bones. Works for me. Sometimes I reward her with trinkets, crystals and charms.
  16. V

    Curing, superfine or superjive?

    Yeah! This is the thread I've been looking for. Last time I heard anyone mention "curing" weed irl, it involved something like burying it mason jars in the backyard for a month, soaking in Jack Daniels, or crushing aspirins in it or some such similar silly BS. To me, all the anal retentive...
  17. V

    How much research did you do before finally planting?

    Grow to learn; not learn to grow.
  18. V

    look at this---

    They look bad as all hell whatever the reason. "... Several different portions of floral cluster anatomy may change colors, and it is possible that different genes may control the coloring of these various parts...
  19. V

    hermie idea

    Anyone ever use a hermaphrodite as a father plant? eg Using pollen from a female which grew male parts, to pollinate a pure female unrelated plant? If so, how did it turn out for you next generation?, m/f ratio wise and otherwise?
  20. V

    Tricks to swell in the last two weeks

    I think I just found out the hard way that the super bud fattening claims are overhyped. My stuff went from healthy looking and rapidly growing to deficient looking and slow growing after using some. It sure looks like cause and effect to me. Not sure which threw me the whammy, but I deviated...