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  1. F

    Please check my eyes please are they red???

    allergy excuse is not going to work ive never had allergies ever and im 22
  2. F

    Please check my eyes please are they red???

    o man my moms gonna be so pissed if she finds out i smoked something but im in my room pretending to study. when she came home and walked in my room she said "something smells wierd in here" twice. do u think she can tell? how do i fool her? i only have generic artificial tears, not visine or...
  3. F

    Please check my eyes please are they red???

    i just smoked a bowl 45min ago, are my eyes red?? pls tell me if they look red
  4. F

    Tap Water Usable?

    is peeing on ur plant healthy?
  5. F

    will smoking weed before sentencing do me in?

    u seriously have to tell them all that? i smoke maybe for few days out of the month regularly and theres nothing in my life to "change". the restoril and soma was a legit prescription i had from my shrink. i always figured probation was basically just u go there, get a drug test, and go home. u...
  6. F

    will smoking weed before sentencing do me in?

    its my first ever charge so my lawyer said he expects the minimum. maybe 2 months max
  7. F

    will smoking weed before sentencing do me in?

    they got me cus i got into a car accident and the guy did a field sobriety and i was stumbling. later they confirmed via blood test
  8. F

    will smoking weed before sentencing do me in?

    are you absolutely sure? i cant find anything on this for local georgia dui laws. and my dui was for drugs but prescription drugs (restoril and soma)
  9. F

    will smoking weed before sentencing do me in?

    hey i have sentencing for a dui in a week that i pled guilty to. if i smoke weed today itll show up on the drug test i have to take for probation next week and will i get in trouble for that even tho i smoked days before i even got sentenced?
  10. F

    How can you make weed hotpockets?

    weed hotpockets i eat the 4cheese big ones. u know the 6 inch long ones not the little tiny square ones. how do u do it? is it possible to tear them open and mix it in there or something? pls help
  11. F

    IMPORTNAT. drugs in your system before sentencing

    that sentence made no sense. and what do u mean "thats y i got the dui?" i got it cus of a wreck i got into from a legit prescription sleeping pills not an illegal drug. theres a difference
  12. F

    How much are you paying for weed?

    $400 for an ounce isnt bad i get quarter ounce for $100 here in the suburbs of a 500k pop. city. new york is a unique case because of the density of ppl that you see in no other city in america. so prices for weed are the same as my size cities because they are brought to balance by the price...
  13. F

    How much are you paying for weed?

    i pay anywhere from $5 a gram of crap ghetto schwag or $100 for a quarter ounce of ghetto schwag, mids, and a few nugs. my friend knew a guy and got me what was supposed to be a quarter ounce of decent nugs for $100 but i went home and weighed it and it was only 4 grams and not 7. so he ripped...
  14. F

    I Have the Munchies Right Now and I Want to Eat [blank]

    im just smoked but this weed is wierd it doesnt make me hungry. it makes me calm (still like to read internet and get fascinating ideas) and makes the skin in my head feel tight which ive never had weed do before. i guess ya id like to get some mcdonalds right now but i dont like driving when im...
  15. F

    IMPORTNAT. drugs in your system before sentencing

    ya but will that thc they find violate my probation?
  16. F

    IMPORTNAT. drugs in your system before sentencing

    i got a dui for drugs(legit prescription) and i have sentencing on january 8th and ill have some probation and probably drug testing. im high now and will probably smoke thru to the 1st or 2nd so the thc will have been in my system for over a week. if i have to take a drug test immediately after...
  17. F

    Can you smoke a one paper all to yourself in one sitting?

    i assume 1g makes a joint im usualy smoking either stuff i bought literally, from that hairy black guy that stands outside that porch infront of whichever houses downtown in the ghetto (with is a mix of mostly schwagg with some mids and nugs if u buy $100 half ounce, anything less is all schwag...
  18. F

    COD Modern Warfare 2

    no i have 6mbps cable
  19. F

    COD Modern Warfare 2

    fuck this game those cock sucking treacherous cunts at infinity ward fucked over the PC gaming community that made them what they are. fuck that laggy IWnet and 9v9 max players shit. i hope they get suicide bombed and hackers destroy the company and they are all kidnapped, raped and killed
  20. F

    Cop Parked Across The Street

    he was probably toking up himself. obviously he wouldnt want to do it in a "ghetto area" cus that just draws attention. in a white suburban neighborhood nobody really pays attention