How much are you paying for weed?

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
im paying for the shittiest weed its 75 a half onze, 120 a onze, n 450 for a qp not sure of pound i only handle qps
then for mids i pay 85-90 for a half onze, 160-180 for a onze n 550 a qp,
then for the bombest shit in my town I got connects so this is considered cheap really cheap i get white widow or blueberry or lemon haze or white rhyno and any bomb ass hydro for 130-140 a half onxe 200-220 a half onze n 700 a qp but i usailly but the best quality (quality over quantity anyday) i buy the qps or onzes 700 a qp or 220 a onze n i sell it as $15 a g n 40 for a hq, 75 for a quarter, 140 a half onze, n 260 a onze so for the high grade stuff i think thats high but i guess not(most of the weed high grade or not is usailly not cured or dried properally mainly becuz im in the city but if i drive a hour or so n get it off my cuzin then i get the bombest shit like the white berry i got now(white widow x blueberry((bombest shit ive ever smoked)) ) for either 160-190 a onze or 100 a half onze but thats just cuz im family

full of purple

Well-Known Member
well weed is never hard to find when you live in Nor-cal! and honestly i havent seen shitty weed around here YEARS. we get nothing but the dankest cause of all the clubs

how it breaks down in my area: ( it changes slightly as you travel around the bay)
1/8 is 40 to 50
1/4 is 80 to 100
1/2 is 140-160
Oz. is anywhere from 200-400 depending on who and quality

also the price varys heavily if you have a cannabis card, then you can get weed from a co-op for CHEAP, people advertise their weed on craigslist for card holders. its sooooo easy to get a card too
yep this man speaks the truth craigslist is hella cheap if u is 215 lol ive seen it on sfbay craigs for 140 an oz hella cheap if ur not growing:weed:


Active Member
mother fuck im an hour outside NYC and im eating like 400 an oz. on the street, from high mids to fire.
i get it for 300 to 350 usually and recently got it at 10 a g
problem is i know no one to get me a fuckin qp under a 4 hour drive one way
i pay anywhere from $5 a gram of crap ghetto schwag or $100 for a quarter ounce of ghetto schwag, mids, and a few nugs. my friend knew a guy and got me what was supposed to be a quarter ounce of decent nugs for $100 but i went home and weighed it and it was only 4 grams and not 7. so he ripped me off. but i bought from my friend who was the middleman so i dont think he was in on it.

but u cant exactly buy 20grams of just schwagg for $100 in the ghetto. they basically automatically increase the quality of the sum with the more money you pay becuase you never meet face to face with the actual dealer in the house. you only meet his various cronies spread around on porches at various intersections. whereas in the suburbs you usually have a dedicated middleman and have also sold them stuff (pills or whatever, and have a reputation).

but this suposed-to-have-been quarter ounce is pretty englightening and im so high. its blowing my mind :shock: now that i just realized that the ghetto has a web system of weed distribution whereas in the suburbs its more linear. and live in georgia so there are only ghettos and middle class suburbs and there are marked differences between them not like the 5 layers the big cities have. :joint:
mother fuck im an hour outside NYC and im eating like 400 an oz. on the street, from high mids to fire.
i get it for 300 to 350 usually and recently got it at 10 a g
problem is i know no one to get me a fuckin qp under a 4 hour drive one way
$400 for an ounce isnt bad i get quarter ounce for $100 here in the suburbs of a 500k pop. city. new york is a unique case because of the density of ppl that you see in no other city in america. so prices for weed are the same as my size cities because they are brought to balance by the price lowering effect of a huge market in such a small area and the price increasing effect of the populations knowledge of the availability of drugs increases demand and thus the price for the least transportable of all major drugs (weed) is increased. fascinating :joint:8)


Well-Known Member
Just visited Scotland for the festive holidays, my friend got me an ounce of Mango for GBP120...but, it lost about 4 grams (it's common in the UK for ppl to put it out slightly wet....!!) The bud itself could probably have gone at least a couple more weeks on the plant as well, but it still done the damage. Happy Hogmanay bud smokers. Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I want to see that bud in a tuna can :hump:

Too bad for the growers down south...Cant you just minimize the grow to avoid detection?


Well-Known Member
I've seen kush come in tuna cans here in Canada..... not the average size tuna cans you guys are thinking though..... not with like an Iams sticker or whatever.... they are big silver cans...


Active Member
I have not payed for any weed in quite a while but if I could buy some in a tuna can I will pay this time, That's the weirdest-coolest thing I have heard.. PEACE Is it really true?