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  1. aetneerg

    Noob First Closet Grow... Any suggestions?

    Yeah, we'll feed the two AK47 since they have two or three weeks left at least, probably just molasses again for the white dwarfs, then flush them after that (I've heard that you should flush even if you don't use nutes, so can't hurt I guess.) I consulted my partner and we'll have to go with "a...
  2. aetneerg

    Noob First Closet Grow... Any suggestions?

    So here we are at week 8. The White Dwarf breeders pack say 8 weeks from seed, but we are going to give them another week probably, as the crystals are still clear on them. Pretty impressed with these plants though, very fast. I put the cereal box in there for a size reference in the first...
  3. aetneerg

    Plant color changes.. Opinions?...

    I had a friend who did a little grow about a year ago. While he was flushing one of his plants (powerplant/romulan) turned totally black. To this day it is still the best weed I have ever smoked.
  4. aetneerg

    Noob First Closet Grow... Any suggestions?

    So didn't post pics last week due to the general holiday madness. Drove 10.5 hours x-mas eve to spend a few days in the hometown. Then drove 10.5 hours back. We were gone 4 days, watered the plants good before we left but they still dried out and burned a bit. Looking better now though. Started...
  5. aetneerg

    OJ Grow journal

    Hey there don't know a whole lot about it yet but if you had a pepper growing in there for a while then it probably used up most of the nutes that came in the soil... so you should read up here on the forum about that and get something in there... I haven't used any yet but we're going to stick...
  6. aetneerg

    attitude tracker?

    Same thing when we ordered our seeds. Said that for a couple days, then changed to something along the lines of "parcel passed to overseas shipping" then you go to the usps or ups link. The usps never updated til we got the package though. Must insist: This has nothing to do with The Attitude...
  7. aetneerg

    Have you ever told or showed a GF that you grow??

    ^^Definitely a situation where you need to weigh all the info. Does she smoke? Does she know you smoke? If shes cool with that then she'll probably be cool with you growing. But can she keep her mouth shut? Being a chick I can be perfectly honest and say that some of us just can't. I can, but I...
  8. aetneerg

    Help getting a higher % fem.

    Could be wrong but pretty sure seeds are whatever sex they are when you get them. Something to do with genetics. They make femised seeds by breeding females with females that went hermaphrodite, so they only have 'x' chromosomes to work with. Could definitely be wrong though, so mostly I guess...
  9. aetneerg

    Several Questions From a Newbie..

    Check out ceramic metal halide bulbs. Didn't read about them til after I'd already purchased my other bulbs but its one bulb that will do both veg and flower and it cooler than Metal Halide or HPS. Also there is a lot of different opinions on autoflowers but if you want to Harvest in 60-70 days...
  10. aetneerg

    Great Stoner Quotes

    my own... the first or second time I got seriously blazed, sat with a couple friends in a car for awhile in my driveway just listening to music, then we get out to go raid my fridge, and there's these offset crazy stone steps down to my apartment, and I got all concerned for them and just kept...
  11. aetneerg

    Problems with my auto feminized taiga

    Wow that sucks, on our first grow with White Dwarf and Lowryder/AK 47 Autoflowers and the White Dwarf started flowering at about 3 weeks (20/4 light cycle, no nutes)... so I don't know if you try autoflower again and want to go with an 8 week sort of strain you could try those... glad I read...
  12. aetneerg

    havent toked in 1.5 months..... Fear and Loathing BABY!@!

    Ha! We haven't smoked since we moved... in October. I'm glad our plants can't see the way we look at them... You're right though, watching good movies while high is the best. Best thing ever though is shrooms and planet earth :)
  13. aetneerg

    First grow ever- Auto White Dwarf

    is there a sort of film on it? a bit of the seed case stuck to ours for a bit but it peeled off eventually. Was light tan/whitish i think.... or is the tiny new leaves too? Sorry can't really tell from the pic. If its not the casing thing then I've got no idea, you should ask in a thread in...
  14. aetneerg

    First grow ever- Auto White Dwarf

    Got pics from each week up in my journal. The journal link should be at the bottom of my post :)
  15. aetneerg

    First grow ever- Auto White Dwarf

    Me too, 400w hps and foxfarm... have three growing four weeks in now. Going 20/4 though. Amazing how fast they grow. Haven't used any nutes yet, just distilled water. Have pics up if you want to check them out :weed:
  16. aetneerg

    Noob First Closet Grow... Any suggestions?

    So here's today pictures. It's funny cause I've been practicing photography on the plants, but really cant show the pics to anyone, for the obvious reasons... This is the 4th week for the White Dwarfs, and the breeder's pack says they are ready in eight... so hopefully we're halfway there...
  17. aetneerg

    suggestion - stop these attitude seedbank pimps from spamming the seeds and strains -

    Kinda hard to believe... since you go to the usps web site to track it. Not sure what logic connects usps not tracking correctly to a retailer.
  18. aetneerg

    suggestion - stop these attitude seedbank pimps from spamming the seeds and strains -

    Yah... the tracking sucks after it passes from royal mail to usps. Ours never updated til it was delivered.
  19. aetneerg

    here is what the admin says about attitude and their pimps......

    lol, your seeds grow into snakes? Awesome!
  20. aetneerg

    suggestion - stop these attitude seedbank pimps from spamming the seeds and strains -

    Don't worry about it man. Myself and plenty of other people have ordered from there no trouble. you can check out my grow for evidence, seeds sprouted fine.... this craig guy has a bug up his bum for some reason, been going on about this in other threads too. All I could suggest is whatever...