Have you ever told or showed a GF that you grow??


Well-Known Member
Bro honesty is always good in a relationship, the lies will always catch up with you, and she will find out, im in favor of honesty. tell her that you smoke first if she knows then telling her that you are growing is easy. " honey this way ill have more money to spend on you instead of spending it on my ganja"
if u not living together, then HELL NO... but if u are, then u probably aint got much of a choice... besides, even if it's in your/her house, in the eyes of the law (depending on where u live) she could be just as much involved as u regardless if she is "hands on" with it or smoke... if she smokes, just make it seem like it's a hobby for the both of u... why would anyone wanna fuck up what is basically free smoke?

lol, i'd think that would make her stay even if she was mad as hell at ya...


Well-Known Member
if they love u enuff they will let u grow it in their house. cops turn up,straight denial and act outraged at ur 'junkie' girlfriend. sorted.


New Member
yes, she was a biology major and incredibly helpful with the ins and outs of plants - as I really had NO idea about plants. anyway told her before I started that we were going to do it and she thought it was a cool idea. also she was not a smoker.
we broke up on kind of bad terms but it was her fault - fuck her.

new girl knows too. she foreign but i donno much bout russian immigrants.


My GF thinks it is great even though she is a non-smoker and we have lived together for 5 years. The problem, however, is that she thinks she is dating a fuckin rockstar or something now. She told two of her girlfriends and when I blew up on her for being an R-tard she couldnt understand why I was so upset. Hollow headed for sure!!! God could have at least put some dippin sauce in there or something useful....

Oh shit! Here she comes.... "Hey baby!" "Oh nuttin much. Just telling the fellas how awesome you are!" "Love you too, snoochy-boochy!" :)


Well-Known Member
if they didn't haver a pussy we wouldn't talk to them anyway. we'd end up treating them like the retard kid we went to school with: abuse then pity.


Well-Known Member
i've just re-read the title of this thread. yes, my girlfriend has seen me grow....quite rapidly at times.


Active Member
loose lips sink ships

and so do a pair of tits :blsmoke:

i caught my wife trying to show her friend while they were drunk!!:shock:

i almost blew a gasket:shock:
That's the one problem with all women. They have mouths, and mix that with alcohol, you got a advertisement for your weed op. My gf got drunk and told her friend, let me just tell you, I made her swear to fuck she would never do it again.


^^Definitely a situation where you need to weigh all the info. Does she smoke? Does she know you smoke? If shes cool with that then she'll probably be cool with you growing. But can she keep her mouth shut? Being a chick I can be perfectly honest and say that some of us just can't. I can, but I can't tell my best friends cause I know they'd prolly tell someone else... if you live together you have to tell her though, if its in the house. Also is there anyway she'll find out on her own? Cause then you should probably tell her before she does... or it just looks extra bad. In the end comes down to I guess how serious the relationship is and how well you know her, how long you've been together, ect. If you are worried about her burning you then maybe its the wrong girl. I live with my bf so its been a joint project form the start, can't actually remember who's idea it was at this point, but that's an entirely different situation I guess...


Well-Known Member
it all comes down to trust, most of relationship are based on lies so i guess you are to a good start.
Just remember iff you lie to her and then she finds out she will be pissed as hell and you will prob be sleeping on the couch for a while. ( talking from personal experience) but eventually she came around after 1 month that's like 1 year in guy time.


Active Member
fuck looks like i'm going to be lying for a long time. what if i want the girl to move-in with me? should I still keep it a secret? after dating for over a year. shit, she doesn't even know I smoke. she doesn't smoke or do anything. very christian.

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Mine helped me build my grow room. She doesn't care for grass. A good woman understands and supports. Unless you're doing something for all the wrong reasons like illegally moving a pound a week, they'll let you know. You can be sure of that last part.

If you don't know whether or not you can tell her things, you are with the wrong woman my friends.

If you need to, however, STOP GROWING, let her move in, and then slowly plant the seed and start growing again. Just say that you're curious and you want to try. Then show her how good you are at it and how much you love it. Then she'll see that it keeps you happy AND at home (A coexistence that can eventually become extremely difficult to achieve). Then she will love and support it.


Well-Known Member
Get lots of pics of her working with the plants. If she wants to fuck you over, take her down with you, or make it look like its hers. Buy supplies with her credit card, or have her buy them for you. Make sure her hair is all over the grow area. Its a horrible thing to think, but you have to be prepared to set her up. All women go psycho. All of them. Its only a matter of time. You may not be the kind of person to frame someone to keep out of trouble, but if she is willing to do something so trust shattering like tell on you with the intention that you go to ass rape camp for 5-10 years, then will your taking the high road make your prison sentence not so bad? Keep in mind, dont be a jerk either. Treat her as she treats you. Dont destroy her trust in you either. You could also come out and make it a 50/50 thing and spread the risk and expense evenly, like adults that respect eachother.


Well-Known Member
if in doubt, u can always use really good FISH emulsion, although this may be a real deep outdoor grow. please tell me sum1 is following this. and can i get a loan of a shovel. and i was at ur house all night.


Active Member
I kinda just told her. I said this is me, this is what I do, don't like it, im sorry. If shes a non pot smoker, you're fucked. If she smokes, she should understand. No reason a grower should date a non pot smoker though, unless they are chill as fuck with it. Better trust this hoe, cause some of those bitches are crazy. Mines good, she helps, it's fun.
Im with a non smoker and grow in her house , she doesnt care cause I got my card(I think she would rather me grow it to save $$$$$),But it sucks cause she always bitching about the smell ,and money I spend on lighting and stuff, you just have to bone her real good and she wont trip about growing


Active Member
The wife is extremely nervous about me growing because of the legal trouble our society will put me in if I get caught. At the same time, she knows it helps my pain and my depression. So, that wins out in the end.

Plus, with all my new-found knowledge I'm keeping her Hibiscus tree, fern, flowers, and some ornamental grass alive during the winter so she can enjoy them outside again during the summer. That puts it over the edge for her.

Grow some flowers that she likes along with the Cannabis and you'll be golden ;-).