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  1. B

    Do You Ever Hang Out With Those Smokers Who Just ....

    2. person who insists on rolling the l, only to roll a piece of shit, and you no your l would be 420x better 3. THA RIPPER - person who rips the blunt like its bong 4. JAMIE STATUS - person who always tries to throw .3 in the blunt of some reg when you threw in .5 of some headies(my friend...
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    Sex while High (Poll)

    If you have never fucked after a ganja session..what the fuck are you doing on this website and with your life. Best feeling ever.period. Short of sex on ecstasy.
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    got some syrup today..

    hey olishell, smack is bad, guy. its addictive and when u get off you are sick as shit. H is no joke, it causes many deaths worldwide so quit being a fucking clown. and chicago funk, i will beat the shit out of you..
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    hey give me ya number..ill halp ya out

    hey give me ya number..ill halp ya out
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    Scotts soil

    your plant wont grow big or beautiful unlike a nutrient enriched tree.. cmon smalls
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    When is it a good time to plant in Maryland?

    late april - early may
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    What is the preferred blunt?

    Everyone who doesnt smoke blunts get the fuck off this.. DSM u obviously dont smoke that much weed or u r a selfish stoner. blunts are social, and blunt highs are diff. then getting straight ripped. whats an expensive ciger thats good to roll w/?
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    got some syrup today..

    cuz im not a fucking junkie. i jus gotta green thumb holdin a cup of drank
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    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    Im going to order through Attitude. Anyone know if visa gift cards work with attitude?
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    What is the preferred blunt?

    some dude said somethin about monte cristos.are those good?.. i smoke grape dutches and games. i dont do swishers, whiteowls, or phillies. i fuck with optimos. im lookin for a new blunt...any reccomendations...
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    whats the absolute longest i want to let my plant go?

    dude i live on the east coast(dmv)...ounce of kb is anywhere from 200-300. someone selling u a ounce for 200 of some dirt..fuck that man..delete him from contacts
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    Best "Autoflowering strain"

    5 gal + .. a 5 gal pot is big enough for most plants
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    What is the preferred blunt?

    id rather smoke a blunt of some kush than bog rips.. U cant beat a blunt of headies
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    What is the preferred blunt?

    grape dutch, green game, swisher?.. what is everyones fav blunt and where do u live?
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    Anyone grown trees around the DMV?

    anyone grown outdoor trees around Maryland. whats the best strains for climate
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    got some syrup today..

    kind of. but i dont think steady growin is talkin bout the right shit. my shit doesnt have prometh. but its got 10 mg codiene perteaspoon which is as much as the purp.
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    got some syrup today..

    but its not purple. bottle says GUAIFENESIN AND CODIENE PHOSPHATE ORAL SOLUTION. is this shit as good as prometh w/codiene???:confused: its got 10 mg codiene per teaspoon. it is red in color
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    Got my seeds from PickNmix

    what is pick n mix and where does your ganja-lovin ass live, states, uk, where?
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    Anyone grown trees around the DMV?

    What are the best strains for outgoor grow? im orderin seeds from attitude..