Do You Ever Hang Out With Those Smokers Who Just ....


Active Member
You guys have all got it wrong! You gotta


Then of course, hit the kitchen, pig out and watch a movie. Doesn't get any better than that.

Ya I agree with u guys. It's the gangster smokers who are unapreciative of the smoke. Like the "yo dawg all u got is Reggie? That's weak" it's weed, appreciate what u have. When times get dry and u can only get a small amount, don't complain. It's better than no weed. ESPECIALLY when their smoking your blunt.


Active Member
my friends know that with me whiskey and dro dont mix. but they also know that I cannot say no in that condition. so inevitably I am worshipping the porcelain goddess in that scenario. fucking fiends!


Active Member
i tell it how it is if people in my circle are tight it just make me even tighter towards them i will smoke my shit with anyone but people will only take the piss once

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i tell it how it is if people in my circle are tight it just make me even tighter towards them i will smoke my shit with anyone but people will only take the piss once
haha, in the past it was ALWAYS me and my flatmate buying, so we'd sit around, roll it up in green, tobacco, green, tobacco regiment, so once you taste tobacco, with a sprinkle opf green, pass that shit! :lol: also alows for self amusement "oh mannnnnnn, i'm so crazily high right now, what about you?" "yeah man, meee too, i'm gonzoed" :P oh no he isn't! power of suggestion!


Active Member
ive had all the problems posted plus more. i call the "wet mouth" a "shit mouth" cuz when i get the blunt i notice all that brown, shit-looking resin on the TIP of the blunt. i dont wanna hit that shit.


Active Member
so now racial slurs have invaded our smoking slang. but its cool cuz hes only typing it not sayin it NOT. CTSO


Active Member
i hate the "high mutes" before anythings put in the air, convo is flowing back and forth around everyone, then once the thc settles in its like his or her voice box stops working. i think the only reason i hate this is cause it happens to me all the time. lol


Well-Known Member
i hate scavengers, people who try to pay me to get hits or load them a piece, and people who blatantly try to be your best friend when they find out you have better shit.


stays relevant.
I only hate when uninvited people try to get in on my blunt circle... especially when I went out of my way to not invite them...
2. person who insists on rolling the l, only to roll a piece of shit, and you no your l would be 420x better
3. THA RIPPER - person who rips the blunt like its bong
4. JAMIE STATUS - person who always tries to throw .3 in the blunt of some reg when you threw in .5 of some headies(my friend jamie)
5. Unofficial BUD GURU - person who talks alot about buds but in fact knows little to nothing
6. Just people who cant handle their shit while blazed
:eek: That sounds like my brother... we duck and hide cus as soon as he sees you hes telling you "ey man pack a bowl"... I hide in my car smoke my bowl and watch him from there. :eyesmoke:

I got one it just happened 2 nights ago.

I had just smoked my last bowl of kindbuds with my buddy (who is ussually cool and matches with me and smokes plenty of blunts with me) was out and he was chilling with a kid me and him mutually hate for some reason.(he complains every day this dudes pissing him off) This dude is the biggest loser moocher scavenger you got the idea total bum havent seen him buy a bag in like 5 years or a pack a ciggarettes yet he still smokes both. ANYWAYS couple hours later my buddy wanted me to get him a 10 of some nice Snow Cap from cali so I drove the mother fucker 30 mins there 30 mins back took me an hour and I was out of gas. We get back to his place with the 0.7 I got for 10 for him. He packs a bowl with like 6 people in the circle I'm on his right and the douche bags on his left my homie lights up the bowl and mother fucker passes it to the left just to see that the ass hole on his left just fucking torches the whole fucking bowl the entire time. By the time the bowl got to me I ate shit and didnt get a hit and my girl friend didnt even get a chance to hit it. That just grinded my gears so bad I just fucking left and drank some captains.

I got it off my chest though I feel better.
You reminded me of this short story :-):
My neighbor called me tryin to c if i have sum greens to smoke ( ok this guy is a cheap bastard, he took me out to smoke and made me buy my own twinkies!!!! NOT COOL! ) but i didnt want to smoke him w mine so i made him bring his own..anyway his cousin looks nice...i mean hes looks like he had swagger so im thinking koo hes into blunts he knows waz up!... anyway he ends up rolling the blunt n im like thinking in my head , this cat better roll a nice blunt. Im pretty sure theres people out there who are anal at the way people roll their greens cus we swear were the bestest rollers... :-P shit i tell everyone im the designated blunt roller... ok this guy rolled the SHITTIEST BLUNT EVA !! I mean youd suck on this thing and it was sooo loose that shit lookes wrinkled.... so embarrasing for the poor guy cus right after i rolled a FAT MOTHASUCKA! :blsmoke:

2. person who insists on rolling the l, only to roll a piece of shit, and you no your l would be 420x better
3. THA RIPPER - person who rips the blunt like its bong
4. JAMIE STATUS - person who always tries to throw .3 in the blunt of some reg when you threw in .5 of some headies(my friend jamie)
5. Unofficial BUD GURU - person who talks alot about buds but in fact knows little to nothing
6. Just people who cant handle their shit while blazed
Or how about this one... HOPEFULLY IM NOT THE ONLY one

I smoke w my entire family... And i hate it when im chillen smokin jus feeling good staring at the clouds you know having a good conversation w my other smokers WHEN ONE OF MY SIBLINGS OR POPS decides to come and start jus talking spontaneos shit for whatever reason... just happened to me on saturday... i took my schmoke my piece and left... maybe that person wouldve finished getting smoked out if only they wouldve shut up and smoke !!! LIKE LETS ALL HAVE A MOMENT OF SILENCE CUS YOURE KILLING MY HIGH!!!!


Active Member
I hate C. I am always the FSM-damned driver.

Don't me for the yawning though, can't help it, it relaxes me.
Damn this thread is so reminding me of the person who thought up this thread with me ... in a bad way . My lil sis came home yesterday cus she ran into her friend mary at her work and shes like oh "Mary said that her sister "alicia" was trying to smoke her out but shes trying to quit so she denied the lil sis was pissed off cus this girl alicia has been at my house for the past couple of days smoking my stuff when she has her own and she hit me up a couple of times today too, did not pick up ! ....THE NERVE TO HELP START OUT A THREAD LIKE THIS when she all the names on the list. dang my lil sis was right.... geez im now jus truly noticing all the little things... EEK!!!! gotta scadadle when i c her now !