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  1. S

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    i know this is an old thread, but i was wondering about the finished product of the space queen. I have some seeds I wnat to pop in a few weeks
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    frozen plants

    :confused: so which is it. :?
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    Noobs first harvest!!!! Pics

    I hope my first harvest turns out that well. stanpot :peace:
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    frozen plants

    little update: This is as of today, I think they are coming around quite well. stankpot :peace:
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    Nute Question

    this is why I asked. Thank you.
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    Nute Question

    really, I just needed some help, whats with this.
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    Nute Question

    tmaster2 explained it better than I did, I meant gallons of soil. So I need to accomidate for 5gallons of soil, true.
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    Nute Question

    I started a foxfarm feeding, as I was re-reading the bottle today, I noticed that the amount per gallon says two tsp. Is this to one gallon of water or is this potted gallons? stankpot :joint:
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    frozen plants

    a test kit that test runoff, or the one where you actually have to add soil to the bottom portion of the kit? wow them are huge pots you grow in, how much water do you use at one time? edit: a reason I was wondering about my ph is, these babies are folded up like tacos, or is that part of the...
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    frozen plants

    was feeding them at first with some organic stuff from the local gh. I have since bought foxfarm nutes, which I just started feeding yesterday. all the browning foilage is from the freeze (atleast this is when it started). I know they needed to be fed but I didnt want to create more problems...
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    frozen plants

    pic 1, stunted white widow; the only survivor. pic 2, white widow, man was it ever purty. I started the lst around 11", trying to keep an even canopy to the stunted one above. pic 3,white widow. lst for same reason pic 4, bagseed. this one was a strentcher. lst for same purpose...
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    what to do??? +rep

    let it veg, lst the rest for the longer veg period. could work, right?
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    frozen plants

    the second pic u posted jumbo, mine were the same heigth and fullness, before the freeze.:cry: I will post what mine look like in the next couple of days.:cry: stankpot :peace:
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    frozen plants

    this brings my hopes up, they used to be so full.:cry: stankpot :peace: p.s rep't, thanks all
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    frozen plants

    ok jumbo i follow now
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    frozen plants

    no i dont know the gender of the plants yet, stankpot :peace:
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    frozen plants

    The room in the shed is 70-75ish for 5 days straight now, and I think they are pulling through, was just a bit depressing though. most of the advanced growth wilted, dryed and crumbled up. did I up the odds of these becoming male now.
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    frozen plants

    I have a little shed grow going and one day I went out there and there was no power. So my room got down to 20 degrees, very cold. well three of the four plants they dont look so good, they are coming back with avengence but they still look bad. What are the chances of these plants going male...
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    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    I like 99.9% of ass shots in this thread
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    Where is a .5 going to get you?? u piece of shit

    I gave my dealer a ride to his connect, had to go up the road after arriving leaving him there for a few. We get back to his place to find a couple of washer and nuts in the bag. He didnt sell me any because he was short a 1/4. Threw me two joints for the ride. I laid out a ten before I left...