Noobs first harvest!!!! Pics


Well-Known Member
Finally chopped her at day 69! Nice heavy sticky skunky buds! Better than I thought it was gonna be. I'm satisfied for my first harvest!:weed:
Hell yeah man!! grats on the sucessful grow. post you growing specs lights, soil, nutes, and post weight!! mines at weeks now gonna give her two more probably


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes young grass hopper you have done very well 4 yourself. looks mighty tasty. do let us know it smokes.good job


Well-Known Member
6 42 watt cfls 3 26 watts, Mg organic soil, fox farms nutes, and I havent weighed it so I'm not sure how much I'll get.


Well-Known Member
How long should I hang it just til its a little crispy on the outside then put in jars?
Hang till crispy on outside of bud then put in paper bag for a day or 2 then jars. You dont want to jar it to soon, it always seems like its a good idea but tits not.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well I just weighed it and got 40 grams dried, and it taste and smokes wonderful! Thanks to everybody that helped me get through my first grow, I appreciate all the help I got! Thanks RIU