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  1. H

    Customer Freakin Service?!

    Believe you me, sir... i am. Do they exist?? cuz this guy knew me for a while, we were friends. I tried to get a 10sac the night prior to my 10am paycheck. He knows where i work. Nope. Couldnt do it. No spots. bbut damn... its like that with your boys to? bbro before hoes but not before a...
  2. H

    Customer Freakin Service?!

    THis is the toke and talk forum, right? I thought this was the place to talk about something that is on my mind.
  3. H

    Customer Freakin Service?!

    This is more of a rant than anything. I got my guy whos only job is to move shit. Stuff. The goods. He crys when i hit up some1, cuz he says he could have didme the same deal on an 1/8 or 1/4. Says i can get it off him whenever. When i try to make a deal, its jumping thru loops...
  4. H

    a noobs best mistake.

    lol. thank you, sir.
  5. H

    a noobs best mistake.

    btw, i did sample her already. i didnt even bother to quick dry it. i just stuffed it in my slide and baked it. besides the green taste, she does the trick. the buds are light and fluffy. with nutrients and what not, i could have had better bud with more yield... but i only spent like 20$...
  6. H

    a noobs best mistake.

    so i had a problem with her in her later days. she started to yellow severely. i have used no nutrients in this grow. nothing. i opted to chop her a little early to salvage the green bud rather than wait any longer and watch the buds start to die. so this morning i chopper her down and...
  7. H

    topping a flower?

    sorry guys, i would show you a pic, but i dont have a good enough camera to properly detail it happening. i dont think i could do it again if i wanted to, and i dont trust myself to do it again. especailly not now. maybe during a younger flowering phase. if any1 comes up with some good...
  8. H

    topping a flower?

    hey guys, i burned a top of my plant using a cfl bulb the other week. it must have been touching. i was very upset. i didnt know if it would heal itself. i'm familiar with the technique known as topping which causes a split in the stem, basically. anywho, the reason i say is because the...
  9. H

    trim fan leaves or leave?

    i was told to trim lower fan leaves as it grows to allow more light to penetrate to the bud. if it helps is beyond me.
  10. H

    Baking out an Igloo/fort thing BLIZZARD 2010

    Ha! Awesome shit brotha. We made on here too but its a complex and I didn't want any1 smelling it.
  11. H

    a noobs best mistake.

    Yes,I topped her right before she reached the end of the pot she's in. Then I kept her under for 2 weeks or so. Then flowered. I had to flower her when she was young to find out sex, then veged her out for another few weeks. Its supposed to hurt yield but like I said..I'm not too worried...
  12. H

    a noobs best mistake.

    thank you sir. if i can figure out how to +rep some1...i will you considering you are the first person to post on my first grow. ha. as long as i get atleast a 1/8...i'll be happy. i figure i should be able to get 3.5gs from 7 branches no matter how horribly its grown.
  13. H

    a noobs best mistake.

    i'm not expecting a very high yield...but i am hopeful. in reality...i just wanna smoke my own weed one time. then maybe i'll focus on yield. i'm just glad it grew the way it did cuz all the branches have equal amounts of light, as opposed to if i just let the shit grow without a screen...
  14. H

    how to make friends?

    thanks for the great thread guys. you really eased my paranoia about this site a great deal. i also posted a pic of my baby in another thread about my noobish cheap attempt at a grow. its under introductions "a noobs best mistake" and while i am not about to invite any1 i meet online to a...
  15. H

    a noobs best mistake.

    hey guys, been lurkin for a while and just recently started to post. i'm still a little paranoid about it...but i'm getting better. this isnt my first attempt to smoke my own bud...buts its my closest yet. i tried the Scrog method and what was a fail ended up being perfect for me. my girl...
  16. H

    Pro's n cons of getting head when ur stoned :)

    pros - dude, i was gettin gettin get gettin some head! i was gettin some head! cons- sometimes i get ADD when i'm getting a stoned bj and totally blow my concentration before my load.
  17. H

    My Girl Doesn't Want Me Smoke Weed No More

    i had a g/f who pulled the same shit. infact, her myspace was blasted about "if you do drugs, dont talk to me." lol. i was bangin her after i snunk a joint in. anywho... things got hairy when she found out i was still smokin. she got mad that i was smoking. i quickly reminded her i had...
  18. H

    Ever Black Out Stoned?

    ha. i thought i was the only one who used the term "auto pilot" when reffering to a mental state i was in. awesome! i've had moments of smoking high amounts of quality smoke, and just getting too high. that always results in me getting sick sometimes, and going to take a nap. normally back...
  19. H

    how to make friends?

    ha...yes. yes it does indeed! i feel much better about my 1st post....and now my 2nd being up in the public. how would one go about getting good genetics? i started off with some seeds i got outta a bomb bag of mids. it was midis but it looked nicer. i'm really interested in getting a...
  20. H

    how to make friends?

    hey guys, whats good. i've been a lurker on this site for a bit now. i'm very paranoid about people knowing about live plants in my possesion... yet i have seen many people on here talk about their "grow buddies". I believe this to be a certain kind of relationship based on the fact that...