Customer Freakin Service?!


This is more of a rant than anything. I got my guy whos only job is to move shit. Stuff. The goods. He crys when i hit up some1, cuz he says he could have didme the same deal on an 1/8 or 1/4. Says i can get it off him whenever. When i try to make a deal, its jumping thru loops. Only. to tell me the next week when its payday that he cant do any deals and im taking food out of hismouth and moneyout his pocket. Thisidiot charges 25 1/8 of mid. 55 1/4. ???? Did some1 fail math class? bulk is cheaper ass. I warn him i might have a sweettooth for x days in advance and its ''yea yo. I got that. I. got you''. Come to hear, ''i dont got em'' or ''i. cant tonight''. motha uffa, its friday night, and you gunna be mia?

This is a plea on behalf of us low on the food chain. Dont tell me bout your struggles if you are uncapable of doing your job. All ofus have to clock into work at some point. You need tomake money. When your phone goes off, think of it as dollar signs. Dont play games withme. Dont talk code no1 understands. Dont say yes when its really no. and that dont answer the phone for the rest of the night move you guys pull is a bitch move.

If you really know your boy, know he got a stable job, and where he lives, and everything else, a spot of 24hrs is not a big deal. On something small. C'mon.. what am i gunna do, not answer my phone? that 1 spot may bank you 20 more phone calls.

Dont be 711. Be shoprite. Im not payin 100 for what is really 70. And please, atleast be st8. on the weight if nothing else. Dont be tryin to pull a fast one on me. I might be low on the food chain, but i sure as hell aint that dumb.

And if you cant handle that, you wont last as my guy. Or any1 elses. And some1 will pick up your slack. There is no such thing as stealing a customer. We can shop wherever we want. If you drop the ball, its not the other guys fault. He just happen to have good customer service.

RIU community.. If your low on the food chain, and know some1 like this, can i get an amen or something?? Cuz these idiot dealers are killin me.


THis is the toke and talk forum, right? I thought this was the place to talk about something that is on my mind.


Believe you me, sir... i am. Do they exist?? cuz this guy knew me for a while, we were friends. I tried to get a 10sac the night prior to my 10am paycheck. He knows where i work. Nope. Couldnt do it. No spots. bbut damn... its like that with your boys to? bbro before hoes but not before a 10sac? how many blunts i smoked with him...


Well-Known Member
I would like to apologize for my post earlier I was to pissed to even understand this thread and now that I know what your saying I say Fucking Right On. I was going to start a rant like this until I re-read this post. My people never short me on weight or rob me but I can never find a punctual connect. I have two connects here 1 for mexi and 1 for chronic. My mexi dealer can only make runs on a Monday from 6pm-9pm literally, good luck any other time. My chronic connect(why I am pissed off) is hit and miss. He is always available to take my money. I gave him 60 yesterday afternoon for an eigth. He told me see u tomorrow round 9. I asked him today round noon to remind so he wouldn't forget he says yup 9 o'clock. Well 9 rolls around and no phone call or anything. After an hour passed I get no call back so I send a text and ask if he is coming, still no answer. I know I will see him tomorrow and he will say sorry i forgot or some bullshit. I need to meet a straight dealer so I can quit relying on piss poor connects. I am working on my grow so its going to be awhile till harvest(the babies are germing right now). anyways +rep to the creator and thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
word yo... amen to that to the fullest. i am growing to avoid dealers in general. I don't believe with the practice but sometimes you got to play the game...