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  1. nath thc

    vermiculite, yes or no, how much? HELP!!!

    haha thats interesting, well ive just repotted my girls into 10ltr pots without the vermiculite, they look grrreat. thanx for the info guys, really glad im a bit of a noob and likes to make sure on everything first.:-P
  2. nath thc

    vermiculite, yes or no, how much? HELP!!!

    thanx for that mate.... in the bin it go's lol
  3. nath thc

    vermiculite, yes or no, how much? HELP!!!

    Right, im planning on repotting my plants later as the roots are starting to come out the holes in the bottem of the pots there in, have bought some 10ltr pots, while i was there i picked up a bag of vermiculite (£1.50 bargin i thought). so basically is it ok for mj growing or not, if yes how...
  4. nath thc

    How far should my MH light be away from plant ?

    i think you should be ok, i put my 5 babys under a 600watter but kept the light far away(right at the top of the tent) then day by day moved it down putting my hand underneth the check heat, not 100% tho, sorry if thats no help lol
  5. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    yep im a brit, are you too? yeah i was unsure what strain they are, as like i said any good stuff round my way ends up being called cheese (think poeple have forgotten there it hundreds of strains lol) so i took what he said with a pinch of salt. you say maybe 6footers shit, so really i need to...
  6. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    without being a pain i decided to av a look at the other nutes you were on about an came across this, taken from growells website We highly recommend using both Canna PK13/14 and Canna Boost Accelerator in...
  7. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    anyone else got any thoughts or tips????
  8. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    i have got a ph testing kit and ph all water my girls have, you say flush??? do you have to do this throughout the flowering period? i know it needs doing towards the end b4 harvest.
  9. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    they have been on 18-6 for 2 and a half weeks now as were bigish cuttings, i bought the canna a and b when i bought the set up, tryed to get all i needed in one go (never works out tho do it),havent used it yet, do i not need it tho? and yeah i know the importance of the dark period and deffo...
  10. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    what do ya mean okish?? is there any problems you can see as like i said its my first grow so all is new to me. i have already got canna a and b, will get pk 13 14 this weekend, is there any other good nutes you could point me too!! you say double in size? i only say 4 foot coz there in a...
  11. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    a few pics up now, not the best quality i know, heres one more, will try to get some more uped as soon as. whats your thoughts?
  12. nath thc

    help!! what to do next, flower or not to flower

    right peeps im a few weeks into my first grow, am unsure of the strain of my babys as all were cuttings i got from a friend of a friend and he told me they are a cheese but to be honest all good weed around were i live ends up being cheese so could be anything, they are under a 600watt h bulb on...
  13. nath thc

    advice needed on timers

    thanx guys thats saved me about £20 or £30 (as am in england) so will go hunting for a good timer at the weekend
  14. nath thc

    advice needed on timers

    right ive just started my first grow, ive 5 babys under a 600watt h bulb, and am giving them 18-6light at the mo, its no bother being around at the right time to switch on or off but was thinking of getting a timer just to save the little job but then im told i need a CONTACTOR (think thats how...
  15. nath thc

    maxx snow storm, from uk????

    hi all, love the site, has given me weeks of reading. right ive been reading up on nutes and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get maxx snow storm from in the uk, also has anyone out there used it and is it anygood, it sounds good but then again they all do dont they. thanx in advance:weed: