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  1. L

    Will this cause me problems later on?

    considering sunlight produces ALL the colors of the rainbow, i think you would be better off than good wit two differnt colors, especially the ones u have!!! I dont know anythin about growin weed so theis is just an educated guess...anyone else got any indeas...........happy growing!!
  2. L

    Will this cause me problems later on?

    "Sunlight contains the complete spectrum of light including all colors of the rainbow: red through yellow to blue and violet. Plants use the full spectrum for photosynthesis, although red and blue light seem to be most critical. Red light stimulates vegetative growth and flowering, but if a...
  3. L

    Will this cause me problems later on?

    I dont really know anything about growin trees but from this info, i would think that your possibly better off with two different colors considering the sun contains all spectrums of the color! Hmm anyone wanna make an educated guess? or maybe has some conflicting info! I wish you the best of...
  4. L

    Neighbor Snagged Plant- Need Advice

    if you really want it, i would innocently give a sympathy story, saying how your dad had just passed away, and that was his plant which has helped you get thru this time. Basically its telling thw truth....How could you start a fight with someone who jus told you that? And if they didnt, they...