Will this cause me problems later on?

Supreme Skunk

Active Member
I'm 2 1/2 weeks into flowering and im using 6 yellow spectrum lights(flowering lights) as well as 5 blue spectrum lights. (vegg lights) there all 26watt cfl's and im on my 12/12. Will the mix of blue and yellow spectrum confuse or just make the buds produce less? Anything will help and the only reason i didn't switch all to yello spectrum is cause i ran out of money lol

heres a link to my grow thread.
thanks RIU members!

Supreme Skunk

Active Member
none of yall know anything about spectrums and if two differen't types during flowering will cause issues or not?
I dont really know anything about growin trees but from this info, i would think that your possibly better off with two different colors considering the sun contains all spectrums of the color! Hmm anyone wanna make an educated guess? or maybe has some conflicting info! I wish you the best of buds!!!

Sunlight contains the complete spectrum of light including all colors of the rainbow: red through yellow to blue and violet. Plants use the full spectrum for photosynthesis, although red and blue light seem to be most critical. Red light stimulates vegetative growth and flowering, but if a plant gets too much red light, it will become tall and spindly. Blue light regulates plant growth, which makes it ideal for growing foliage plants and short, stocky seedlings.
Some plants perform best when given more of a certain color light. An African violet will thrive under blue light, but if it doesn't receive an abundance of red light, it may never flower. If you learn what color light your plants need, you can then select the right type of bulbs to meet that need

source; http://www.gardeners.com/Gardening-Under-Lights/5080,default,pg.html
"Sunlight contains the complete spectrum of light including all colors of the rainbow: red through yellow to blue and violet. Plants use the full spectrum for photosynthesis, although red and blue light seem to be most critical. Red light stimulates vegetative growth and flowering, but if a plant gets too much red light, it will become tall and spindly. Blue light regulates plant growth, which makes it ideal for growing foliage plants and short, stocky seedlings.
Some plants perform best when given more of a certain color light. An African violet will thrive under blue light, but if it doesn't receive an abundance of red light, it may never flower. If you learn what color light your plants need, you can then select the right type of bulbs to meet that need"
considering sunlight produces ALL the colors of the rainbow, i think you would be better off than good wit two differnt colors, especially the ones u have!!! I dont know anythin about growin weed so theis is just an educated guess...anyone else got any indeas...........happy growing!!