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  1. H

    24 hours of darkness to control vertical growth

    I guess I should have been more clear. Currently I use a ebb and flow (flood and drain) hydro system. during light hours I water/feed for 15 minutes every 2 hours. During dark hours I do not water/feed at all. It is my understanding that feeding when the lights are out can cause mold and...
  2. H

    24 hours of darkness to control vertical growth

    Greetings... In discussing vertical growth control with a knowledgeable botanist friend of mine he mention using a 24hour darkness period on the weekend I transition the lights from 18/6 to 12/12 will stop vertical growth and initiate flowering. However he grows in dirt, I grow in water. So...
  3. H


    I realize it doesn't seem like allot of space in the pot, but the roots grow out through holes on the bottom, and basically cover the watering table.
  4. H


    Probably about 3dm when I changed the lights, about 6 now. I had 8 healthy plaints before the drought. The drought definitely took one, three were fellas. if the small pots give me small plaints I can dig that, but dead plaints are not cool at all.
  5. H


    okay so here is the story. I have a ebb and flow system. I use fox farm nuts with the fox farm feeding schedule. I have my pump set to feed them 15 minutes of every hour. I was 5 1/2 weeks in to the grow, 1 1/2 weeks into 12/12. And much to my dismay the hose connected to my pump, which was...
  6. H

    are we there yet?

    So the stuff I dried was nice. I didn't cure it or anything, just put it in a dehydrator for 12 hours. I think I felt the lack of amber tricromes but it was a nice high so I am thinking about harvesting this guy in the next couple of days unless anyone thinks differently.
  7. H

    are we there yet?

    you should smell it, picture dose it no justice! I can't wait to burn some. I have a small peice drying, I just couldn't wait.
  8. H

    are we there yet?

    I am trying to decide if this plaint is done yet. I am on my 9th week of 12/12. It looks like 75% of the hairs have turned brown and the trichomes look cloudy but I don't see any amber trichomes. I changed to water only a week ago so the so the leaves are starting to turn yellow (not sure if I...
  9. H

    first grow issues

    I am in the fourth week of my 12/12 and I noticed the fan leaves at the bottom dying off, which I though was normal. than I also noticed fan leaves off the stem towards the top dying with spots. is this also normal? the bud look fine, I think... All the pics below are the same plaint
  10. H

    first grow issues

    I am on day 8 of the flower so I am thinking the two I decided are male should be removed. it sucks to loose 40% of my first grow like that but I was expecting it. I was thinking of trying the 21:36/12 photo period to make up for it. has anyone done this? The FAQ says to do it at the point...
  11. H

    first grow issues

    I guess I was wrong looks like I don't have all females. I am thinking I have two males and three females. But if someone could check me that would be great. males front right ____ center ________ females front left ____ back left ____ back right _______ _______
  12. H

    first grow issues

    okay I came to the realization today that I dont have enough room for my plaints. I guess that was a major over sight on my part. I was reading another thread that was talking about space constrants and I realized that was me also. I think I have about four feet of space after my light/reflector...
  13. H

    first grow issues

    I hear you on the nuts. But I am growing in water, not soil, so I think I need them. Besides I have been heavily relying on the guys at my local hydro shop for feeding advice. I know I don't understand the nuts yet but they sure seem too. Next time I am going to just fallow the fox farm...
  14. H

    first grow issues

    Sweet! thats good news. That was just one plant (front left) I wasn't sure if the pic would be good enough to tell so I posted all three. here are the rest. So does that mean they are all fems? Front right Center back right back left
  15. H

    first grow issues

    Here are some more pics after the first night. Still cant tell sex I don’t think but I included a shot of the stem of the tall, leggy plaint. If that is the way to tell I can get pics of the rest
  16. H

    first grow issues

    So how much is too much? if I keep the humidity ~40 and temp ~80 am I okay? or are there other factors?
  17. H

    first grow issues

    Not entirely sure how to sex yet but I guess I will need to figure that our soon. is there an easy way to separate the males so I can keep growing them but not have them impregnate the fems. These are all just bag seeds so I am afraid most of them are male. How long into budding should I look...
  18. H

    first grow issues

    Yeah funny thing about the heat. The HPS was keeping it too hot. I found a really cheep used portable AC unit, that kept the room a little too cooled. Some I figured, hey add some more light. Yeah CFLs don't put out much heat. But I got it straight now, right about 80 in the light.
  19. H

    first grow issues

    With regard to the HPS, yes I am still using it. It gets great penetration but if I had to do it over again I would get a separate ballast and reflector. I thought it would be less expensive but it turns out its just more difficult to get the light on the plaints evenly because the reflector is...
  20. H

    first grow issues

    This is true, I wanted some side lighting and it’s hard to beat the price of CFLs. And I am very happy with the result. I added them on three walls and in the corners. The plaints got really bushy after that. Not sure if you can over light. I tried looking that up but couldn't find anything...