first grow issues


Active Member
Sweet! thats good news. That was just one plant (front left) I wasn't sure if the pic would be good enough to tell so I posted all three. here are the rest. So does that mean they are all fems?

Front right


back right

back left


Well-Known Member
I have having some problems issues with my first grow and would love some feedback. I started these seeds in paper towels than moved them to a germination chamber with B-1 in the water and no lights. I think this is where I went wrong, the plaints popped out very quickly maybe within a day but I didn't turn on the light for four days. So when I did finally turn on the light (24w florescent) they were an inch or two tall (I also added some grow big nuts). So when the leaves started to grow the stem could no longer support the leaves. I used tooth picks and straws to support the stems hoping they would become stronger. Four days later I moved them to my drain and fill table using B-1 and grow big nuts with 400w hps (temp 80-90 humidity 60-70). I moved ten plaints and none of them were able to support their leaves. Now, eight days later most of them are still unable to support their leaves. A few seem to have recovered but the ones that didn’t have obvious weak points at the base of their stem. I do have a fan in the room indirectly blowing on the plaints so they get barely enough of a breeze to make them move. Is there anything else I can do for this? Or have I completely missed the mark on this and there is something else going wrong?

Not a pro myself and I am sure there are alot of people that will disagree with me, but so be it. If its your first grow, KISS. Provide the plant with H2O and light, screw all the nutes. Learn the basics first. The plant does not require nutes and such. That is just another problem a newb has to deal with and without the knowledge to affectively fix it will lead to certain disaster. Give it straight water and light and you will do just fine. Learn this and how the plants operate with the basics, then start adding the special stuff. I am on my third grow and still just use water.


Well-Known Member
I think adding nutes and messing with different formulas and trying things is a lot of the fun of growing. if it confusing or annoying then yeah - just stick to the basics. But trying to get it right the first time can be frustratingly amusing!


Active Member
I hear you on the nuts. But I am growing in water, not soil, so I think I need them. Besides I have been heavily relying on the guys at my local hydro shop for feeding advice. I know I don't understand the nuts yet but they sure seem too. Next time I am going to just fallow the fox farm feeding schedule, adding silica blast of course.
Can plaints realy thrive in hydro with only water an no nuts?


Active Member
okay I came to the realization today that I dont have enough room for my plaints. I guess that was a major over sight on my part. I was reading another thread that was talking about space constrants and I realized that was me also. I think I have about four feet of space after my light/reflector and water table/res. is there somethign that can be done now or in the later stages of flowering to limit to redirect the plaints higth?

Also I posted some more pics of my stems can anyone confirm that I do indeed have all female plaints?


Active Member
I guess I was wrong looks like I don't have all females. I am thinking I have two males and three females. But if someone could check me that would be great.


front right ____ center


front left ____ back left ____ back right
_______ _______


Active Member
I am on day 8 of the flower so I am thinking the two I decided are male should be removed. it sucks to loose 40% of my first grow like that but I was expecting it. I was thinking of trying the 21:36/12 photo period to make up for it. has anyone done this? The FAQ says to do it at the point of maximum flower rate. when is that? I will post some more pic of the fems after the lights come on.


Active Member
I am in the fourth week of my 12/12 and I noticed the fan leaves at the bottom dying off, which I though was normal. than I also noticed fan leaves off the stem towards the top dying with spots. is this also normal? the bud look fine, I think... All the pics below are the same plaint
