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  1. S

    BIG BUD almost 12/12 from seed cfl grow

    what are the dimensions of your grow? is there any intake or exhaust? Does the DIY co2
  2. S

    Light position

    did you use a reflector?
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    Light position

    I'm building a small grow. only 26 inches high. should my CFL lights go vertical or horizantal? I can do either but horizantal would give me a litte more head room. Thanks for your advice.
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    I'm going to give this a shot for my first grow. I have very limted space, my grow is only 2' tall 2' wide 1' deep. Im using CFLs (not great but what i got) If i use a 6 inch pot how high should the screen be above the plant?
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    Waste of time?

    Another question. Do HPS lightbulbs fit into a standard light fixture? if so what type and how many, 150 HPS, 400 HPS? I would go that route if you think it is better thanCFL.
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    Waste of time?

    I've got my plans together and am ready to build my first stealth grow. I just want to run it by before starting to build. The dimensions of the area i have to work with is 2' high, 2' wide, and a foot deep. I also need to consider the light fixture and bulbs (5-6inches) and plant...