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  1. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    I'm keeping the lights at the same height throughout the grow mainly because this is a controlled grow. I admit the light is a little higher than I would like. I did consider lowering and adjusting as they grew, but keeping the my changing variables to a minimum is one of my goals. In future...
  2. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Hey everybody, for some reason i stopped getting updates on the thread(?). Anyway, I was going to post some updates and mention that algae is a problem but it looks like its already being discussed hah. I had algae by the end of the first week. It wasn't a huge amount, but enough to see it...
  3. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    hey that's looking pretty nice indeed. what are you using for lighting?
  4. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Do you keep any kind of logs?
  5. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Ah yeah, thats definitely fancier than the one I got
  6. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Thanks, I'll have to check them out after this grow
  7. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Yeah I actually did consider that. The problem is that my timers don't allow for less than 30 minutes. Have any suggestions for a good timer?
  8. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Well, I have 2 timers. And the cycles aren't on any kind of exact timing. I have the first timer set for 16 hours of light, and daisy-chained off of that timer is my pump timer. On the pump timer I just spaced every cycle apart enough so that there will only be 4 to 5 cycles per 16 hour period...
  9. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Yup, thats probably what I would do.
  10. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    I think 3 12" would work if the roots had more space to fill. I think your problem here will be that your roots can't grow outside of the container. I believe plant size is proportional to root mass.
  11. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    That picture just made me realize how dirty hydroton is
  12. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    Yeah, I consider the base to be around the level of the hydroton. But, I only measured my drain piece, so the drain is a hair less than 6 1/2" tall. And I sorta just buried my plant at about that level. When it drains completely at the end of each cycle, theres about a "quarter of a pinky"...
  13. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    I flood mine right to the base of the plants. I just measured mine and the water level reaches around 6 and 1/2 inches.
  14. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    I actually cut the front PVC legs down so that the table would sit like that. It drains a little better.
  15. dark farmer

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    What do you guys think? It's actually for tomatoes but none of my friends are into that. So i figured this community would get a kick out of it :)
  16. dark farmer

    DWC Help!!

    dirts cheap
  17. dark farmer

    Temp sensor on lights

    I looked at home, the line voltage thermostat they have is too big for what I need.
  18. dark farmer

    Temp sensor on lights

    geez your avatar and signature
  19. dark farmer

    Temp sensor on lights

    Does anyone have any ideas on getting a small temp sensor or thermostat to remove power from one or two 23-watt cfl's when temps reach 90? Something small for a pc case. Been having some heat issues. Temps get up to 93. So if i can get one or two lights to turn off then I think the temps...
  20. dark farmer

    I have a new love for ketchup

    i knew a dude that put ketchup in his plain corn flakes. haha