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  1. M

    Help! About to throw in the towel

    This is just a possibility but you say the only thing thats changed is RO water....That makes me think Magnesium/Calcium deficiency... If you use RO water you may need to add some of that type of product into your 3-part mix...
  2. M

    I am now in the DWC Club!! (1st DWC grow - 600W HPS Sour Grapes)

    If you are high then watch this and tell me what it means: If you're not high, don't do it...Wait tuill you are VERY high then watch that and please explain it to me.
  3. M

    FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

    Loving it...Looking green and healthy..... Nice work..! +rep!
  4. M

    I am now in the DWC Club!! (1st DWC grow - 600W HPS Sour Grapes)

    I got some really nice airstones, not sure the material...If I have time tomorrow, I will post up some pics to show you... They are huge and sink well to the bottom...ANd put out a lot of bubbles. Always looking to improve things though, what brand are they?
  5. M

    I am now in the DWC Club!! (1st DWC grow - 600W HPS Sour Grapes)

    Except that pump is about 5 times as loud. I bought one and I could hear it in the other room....The disposable ones are silent.... I have had aquariums for years and never had problems with them.....Each one has 2 diaphrams so even if one diaphram goes out, i still have 5 more diaphrams...
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    I am now in the DWC Club!! (1st DWC grow - 600W HPS Sour Grapes)

    Hell yah man, that shit looking GOOD!
  7. M

    D. W. C new grow

    WOW!!!! Fucking SWEET BigD!!!
  8. M

    DWC setup? my set up is a 4x4 w/ 600W, I will be putting a screen up soon. Keep posted on my thread for results.
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    I am now in the DWC Club!! (1st DWC grow - 600W HPS Sour Grapes)

    Here is some Root Porn and an update. Today is day 5 of Veg. I will be blasting them with nutes soon, and will post pics.
  10. M

    Ph Control

    One thing you can do (if you do not already have one) is make a reservoir so that you have more nute solution, so it changes slower. I found mine was all over the place at 1st also, but just keep it at 5.5-6.0 and it should stabilize...
  11. M

    Frist Grow with Pic's. What you THINK???

    I didnt even look at the grow, I can't stop looking at your avatar!!!! I give rep and 5*'s just for that...LOL JK your grow is cool too! Keep it up!
  12. M

    Adjustable water level in DWC

    If you do end up doing that kind of research, make a huge post about it....It would be very fascinating......Like if you could have 6 plants..One with the water level up at the level of the pot, then like 1 inch down, 2 inches down.....up to 5 inches down. Or maybe do increments of 1.5 or...
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    Adjustable water level in DWC

    Also FYI if you make a drain half way up (as Jedi suggests) you will still need another drain on the bottom of the bucket to drain the system out for nute changes / flushes.
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    Adjustable water level in DWC

    I am not disproving (or trying to) your idea, I was asking questions and trying to help you. You are the one who said the reason for different water levels was "different strains." That is why I suggested two different reservoirs, as it makes logical sense to me. Seems like two different strains...
  15. M

    First Timers! Here is a clean simple DWC bucket.

    It isnt really needed. I just did my 1st dwc similar to the OP's...All you have to do for the 1st few days is take some drain water from the res and soak the medium a little bit. As soon as the roots hit the water, you no longer need to do this (and any dripper becomes uneeded). I was skeptical...
  16. M

    Adjustable water level in DWC

    I am really not sure. It seems to me (I could be wrong) that the main thing would be the level of water in the reservoir that would control the height of the water in the buckets. The flow rate seems like it would only control how many gallons/hour the water circulates. The height of the water...
  17. M

    Adjustable water level in DWC

    In order for it to work, I would think you would not only have to be able to adjust the drain valve, but also the fill as well. If the fill and drains are different, it wouldnt work I don't think. So each leg would have to be a different FILL and DRAIN rate.. Correct? This would require...
  18. M

    Adjustable water level in DWC

    I dont think so.....And even if you closed the drain partially it wouldnt be accurate and gravity would take the water into the next bucket in the series, right? Besides why would you ever need to do that? I'm not following I guess. I would think the water height in the buckets would all be...
  19. M

    are tons of BUBBLES necessary?

    You could add more bubbles with some cheap aquarium pumps from wal-mart if you need to. They are quiet and put out lots of bubbles.