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  1. C

    friendly stranger

    You can have negative measurements?
  2. C

    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    sorry for no replies guise but i kinda moved the thread to here
  3. C

    friendly stranger

    haha its as if he has gone back and read then been like awe shit that doesnt make ANY sense at all! 2mins later: thats MUCH better but not as good as this time i was at my dealers im like 50 bucks a seed this good? it fit my carbon filter to go over my lights i got this spray thing too i got it...
  4. C

    Nightmare pc case grow turn around (hopefully)

    Ok so i cut a hole in the side of the box opposite to the light for a door so its easier to pick up the pots to check if they need water etc. And i also lined some parts of the box with a car windscreen light reflector only some cause im heeeapppps lazy ay also here are some pics of the plants...
  5. C

    Nightmare pc case grow turn around (hopefully)

    Thats a good idea for the light blocking thanks =) not too sure how well it would work for exhaust though? and I'll move the lights down and keep an eye on the temp hopefully it wont get a lot hotter mr smiley that really isnt an option for me and i would've done acloset grow if i could've but o...
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    Nightmare pc case grow turn around (hopefully)

    temps 27C after lights been on for 1 hour after dark
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    Nightmare pc case grow turn around (hopefully)

    temps gone down to 29C after i opened my window to let cool air into my room
  8. C

    Nightmare pc case grow turn around (hopefully)

    Ok so for those who didnt see my thread a couple day ago here it is, I was growing in a pc case, (first grow ever) and it was a nightmare the seedlings were 3 months old and looked like what some people...
  9. C

    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    ok, im going to buy a couple more cfls today. I watered them today on the new schedule and the water made a puddle on the top soil and hanged around for 4secs before all going below. never had this before but i have seens other people grow where when they water it does the same thing so maybe it...
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    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    yeah its 75W equivalent and clown i said temps were getting that hot but i have been able to get them to never go above 30 and hang around 27. Wont feed them nutes then just see how the new watering schedule goes
  11. C

    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    its 75W cool daylight cfl i have a 140w but it cranks up the heat
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    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    ty silent i already plan on re potting them, i have the pots for them they are 13cm tall and 11cm diameter. i wont be able to re-pot till the 22nd though... dark, that sounds like a better way then what i was doing, picking the pot up and guessing by how light it is if it needs watering. i...
  13. C

    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    @silent.pride I do plan on transplanting them to a bigger pot, 22nd is when i will be able to do it, the pots im going to put them in are 13cm tall and 11cm diameter. dark that does sound like a better way then what i was doing, just picking the pot up and feeling how light it is. i was going...
  14. C

    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    you cant really tell from that pic but you can see on the stem where the leaves used to be and they are close together. the light is about 6cm away from the top of the plant and 34C is 93.2F, 27C is 80.6F and 30C is 86F. is twice a week watering good for them? sat and wed. and thanks for the...
  15. C

    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    Uploading the pics didnt work >.> second time lucky
  16. C

    First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow

    Ok so here is my grow setup. They sprouted late November and the bottom set of leaves have continually fallen off as the new growth showed up. I was having problems with the temperature inside the case, used to be 34C but I've got it down to 27C and it usually never gets more than 30C. Air flow...