Nightmare pc case grow turn around (hopefully)


Ok so for those who didnt see my thread a couple day ago here it is,

I was growing in a pc case, (first grow ever) and it was a nightmare the seedlings were 3 months old and looked like what some people can pull in 3 days. This was because I was overwatering (common mistake for newbies) i had terrible heat issues; for a long time i had temps of 34C day and nighttime i would be lucky for 29C also they were rootbound.

The plants were basically fucked up and i decided that the pc case grow was not gonna work so i started to turn it around. i transplanted them into pots 13cm tall and 11cm diameter i also got an old box a little it shorter then the pc grow its dimensions are 32cm long 39cm tall and 20cm wide.

The one at the back i am just expecting to die, it is looking very bad and has done for a long time, this would be a-ok because it would improve the air intake.

I do not care for yield its purely an experiment.

temps are better now they are in this box, i have an extra 120mm fan i might add to blow air onto the CFLs

does anyone have experience with light proofing fans? i would appreciate some input on that. I'm thinking of just getting some pantyhose and putting it onto the fan i've read that as a recommendation quite a few times unless someone knows of something better?

If anyone is interested i will update with pictures. Any questions? comments?



Well-Known Member
i used cardboard for my own fans. cut out a trapezoid and fold it appropriately to form a vent cover. blocks light out completely and works great for me right now. you have to make sure that you make the turn less than 90 degrees and you'll be fine. no light in your box


Well-Known Member
when you click on my link, you can see my vent cover on the bottom right of the box =] you can also use things like dryer vents but why pay? lol


Well-Known Member
post pics i'll keep an eye on this one =] you need to move lights closer to your plants though.


Thats a good idea for the light blocking thanks =) not too sure how well it would work for exhaust though? and I'll move the lights down and keep an eye on the temp hopefully it wont get a lot hotter mr smiley that really isnt an option for me and i would've done acloset grow if i could've but o well and this is much more of an experiment than a for yield type thing.

I picked up a car windscreen light reflector for $3 will post pics of it once i finish installing it.

temps 29C after lights on for 10H heat shouldnt be too much of a problem now yay


Ok so i cut a hole in the side of the box opposite to the light for a door so its easier to pick up the pots to check if they need water etc. And i also lined some parts of the box with a car windscreen light reflector only some cause im heeeapppps lazy ay

also here are some pics of the plants the one with 2 leaves has had that new growth ( not too sure how well you can see in the photo ) grow reasonably quickly since i've put them in their new home. the one with the most leaves is still suffering the aftermath of intense heat stress and the one with just one leaf? im just waiting for it to die...

havent been bothered to make the light blockers yet cylee but ive just been putting a spare piece of cardboard just over the exhaust and has been good enough for now its only temp tho

when i woke up this morning i checked JUST before the lights came on the temp it was 19C for dark and it seems 30C is the max it ever gets to havent watered since sunday and its thurs now, probs water tomorrow they feeling light but still got a little moisture 5cm down a 11cm pot so tomorrow should be good for watering

