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  1. M

    Atheists Are Going To Hell

    Would you class anyone who has no unshakable belief in an 'allmighty god' that is aware and started the whole universe and everything else an atheist? Because I would class myself as a rationalist who would listen to both sides of an argument whether or not I consciously or subconsciously were...
  2. M

    Best Hash Oil

    Adding alcohol to your fully/semi purged product would only re-contaminate it. Purging is a term used to describe the act of freeing a base product of impurities. This can be done in ways including, heating and stirring and vacuum purging etc. A cleaner and purer product is of course desirable...
  3. M

    Finshaggy's Hash, Edibles, and more

    Looks very tasty and crystally!... But yeah, maybe take a bit more time with your lighting :), Just would help do your product justice is all! Plus rep though.
  4. M

    Not a 'noob' but it is my first grow.

    Yeah your right, but I was initially going to do fewer and have 'over-compensated' slightly instead so that if 1 or even 2 fail it wont be the end of the world.
  5. M


    Thanks man! Nice to meet you.
  6. M

    Not a 'noob' but it is my first grow.

    Hello, Decided I might give a small personal grow a go since a few of my friends have also done so in the past and I have actually had to help them out etc when they have needed it so I know quite alot for someone who hasn't actually done it themselves. What I was wondering was, I chose 6...
  7. M


    Hmm I'm from UK so I buy in pounds (£) but I'm really surprised that you all pay such high prices for even bottom of the bag nugs... most I have ever payed is £20 an ounce which I would roughly say is $30... I can understand that it will still be good quality but to me $20 for 2g is very...
  8. M

    Why Does My Bubble Hash Taste Watery???

    I'm in the same boat... I find bubble hash by far the hardest method and also yielded a very small ammount compared to anything I've made oil or kief wise!
  9. M

    Epic Hash Oil Failure Caught on Tape

    hahahahaha possibly one of the funniest videos I've seen!... There was no end to how many fails occurred in that minute and a half!
  10. M

    Ten Years of Smoking and Growing, yet the Best Strain was some Bagseed.

    Had you had much smoking experience prior to buying this gram (cause you mentioned it being in high school). This could just be because you hadn't built up a tolerance at that time. You could perhaps smoke the same or even better weed now and feel nothing close to the effects if you are more...
  11. M

    T H C is it hype or not?!!?

    LOL... So would this weed 'bubble' from being 50% pure... Cause that is why bubble hash bubbles :)? I highly doubt the numbers you have presented are correct.
  12. M

    Ufc Heavyweight division

    That would be an interesting one... Jones is similar in the way he fights so unorthodox with his striking, and his long reach. Think Andersons experience would win it though... Still waiting on Silva Vs St Pierre though aren't we, Dana White etc were talking it up for about 2 years now but...
  13. M

    Any Liverpool FC,fans out there?

    Yeah should be good man, gonna smoke some bong, have a lazy one and enjoy the game! I'm from Scotland, same as Dalgleish, has done well with Liverpool!
  14. M

    Stoned Wisdumb

    Everyone is free within their own limits
  15. M

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    Underground... I felt very contradictory :(
  16. M

    Why do you Smoke?

    I think I smoke it for a few reasons... 1. I love how creative and innovative I am on weed. I am normally like this, more than most... but weed heightens this and allows me to almost transcend my normal capabilities of accessing the creative functioning and ideas that would be readily available...
  17. M

    No one sounds cool saying "MotherFucker"

    So true, you literally have to be a 'Samuel L Jackson' type black guy for that... or you just sound pretty lame.
  18. M

    The Mafia Attorney

    Made me lol :)
  19. M

    Some of my Airbrush Work

    Amazing work, tigers eyes are unbelievably convincing! Would plus rep you but I'm new and can't seem to find where you do that :(
  20. M

    Inspired Art from the Heart

    Really cool man!... Love the shading... just think the flower round the head could be touched up... or even turn them into flames or something :)