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  1. S

    UK Indoor growers are Fucked !

    No probs once again cheers for your feed back...
  2. S

    UK indoor growers are not fucked

    Yeh i know mate, i guess i dont like change and feel suspect towards my power company wanting in too change my meter too a smart, i find it hard not too be just a little parra over this, cheers fur yur input mate. My letter just says they will be doing this in a few weeks, their timing is bad am...
  3. S

    UK Indoor growers are Fucked !

    Cannabis crop guide for landlords The meeting aims to get landlords to help police target drug growers Police in south west Scotland have asked landlords and...
  4. S

    UK indoor growers are not fucked

    I understand bobtokes on what your saying am just very suspisious of their new technoligy more too the point, what it records. I know having lights on and drawing power does not mean you are growing herb it just means you are drawing power, but at the same time lets face it how are the power...
  5. S

    UK Indoor growers are Fucked !

    Its a thought and maybe worth me thinking about in the near furure, am about 5 weeks away from Harvest and their timing in wanting in too change the meter could not be any worse, all i can do is play it by ear but from waht i've read around the web the new smart meters are not helping indoor...
  6. S

    UK indoor growers are not fucked

    Thanks for all the advice, all i was really after was peace of mind before my meter is changed in the near future, i have been growing herb for the last 14 years under the same address without any problems, i always pay my elec bill on time but just felt supect towards the elec company in the...
  7. S

    UK indoor growers are not fucked

    And straight up - i've put up some negative facts on getting this new smart meter, Why dont you put up some positives on the meter id rather read that than keyboard smart talk.
  8. S

    UK indoor growers are not fucked

    Have a read around the facts are there, put the bong down straight up, and what does posts count for ? that you sit infront of a pc more than me, well done you. If you think an HID light / lights 400w or more running 18/6 over a veg period and then 12/12 is not going too raise an eyebrow you...
  9. S

    UK Indoor growers are Fucked !

    Hi folks. Well i feel the time has now cought up the the UK grower as every home in the uk is too be fitted with the new ''Smart meter'' i have been sent a letter by my power company telling me i'll get mine fitted in the next few weeks, the new smart meter records so much data its just dam...