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  1. half baked

    Flowers R making seeds! Cut them?

    Leave them alone. Finish the flowering. You went to all the trouble of growing and flowering it would be a shame to just chop it down. My vote is to leave them alone. They will still grow bud just not as much.
  2. half baked

    Hello to all fellow tokers and lovers of the bud. Feel free to leave me messages. Any...

    Hello to all fellow tokers and lovers of the bud. Feel free to leave me messages. Any questions, I will be happy to help anyway I can.....
  3. half baked

    Would it be possible to grow without any fans?

    are you installing lights in the cupboard? I guess you wouldn't have to have a fan as long as it didn't get too hot. you could leave the door to the cupboard open like you said, that way you would have fresh air coming in and the heat from the lights would be able to get out. good luck.
  4. half baked

    light cycles??!

    do you have any picture's? what about light cycles do you want to know?
  5. half baked

    my refrigerator grow box

    Here are a few pictures of the set up. The first picture is just the outside, a normal looking fridge. The second picture is the fridge opened up. You can see in the "freezer section", there isn't a whole lot of light coming up from the bottom section. The third picture is a close up of the...
  6. half baked

    my refrigerator grow box

    No problem. Pics will be coming soon.
  7. half baked

    my refrigerator grow box

    05/13/2009 day 1- Grow box completed with a thermometer/humidity reader, 1 fan, 1 plant light and 3 cfl lights. Plant light stats unknown. Cfl lights are 6500K, 900 lumens apiece, 2700 lumens total for now. I purchased a Jiffy peat moss seed starter kit and started germinating 15 seeds. I...
  8. half baked

    Refridgerator grow box

    I was just reading more on the bulbs I got. They are 60 watt, 6500k (color temp) not lumen. They are 900 lumens each. Back to the drawing board. If going by an optimal 5000 lumens per sq ft, I would need 26 of those bulbs for my 4.6 sq ft. That doesn't seem right.
  9. half baked

    Refridgerator grow box

    Thanks for the info. I have 3 bulbs, 6500 lumens each = 19500 lumens. Divided by 4.6 square feet for the fridge and that is 4239 lumens per sq ft. One more bulb would give me 5652 lumens per sq ft. We will see how it goes. Thanks.
  10. half baked

    Refridgerator grow box

    Thanks, appreciate any help I can get !!!
  11. half baked

    Refridgerator grow box

    Hello everybody. I'm starting a grow box in an old fridge I have in my garage. I have only been able to find the right lighting requirements for square feet. I read you need a minimum of 20-30 watts per square foot for veg. stage and 30-40 watts per square foot for flowering. Assuming that...
  12. half baked

    1st Grow Ever -- Indoor-CFL -- New Pics Every Few Days

    Wow, very cool journal. I read from day 1 all the way to today. I just ordered some cfl's. Can't wait till they come. I hollowed out an old refrigerator in my garage to use, kind of like a growbox. I will be very happy if my plants look anything like yours do. I'm pretty new to growing...