light cycles??!


Active Member
my oldest plant is almost 3 months old and still not showing sex, this is my first time growing and i have no idea about 12/12 light cycles or whatever, im growing in a outdoor greenhouse. so yeah any suggestions or help?


Well-Known Member
If you are growing outside it is up to mother nature. Right now the days are still getting longer. If they haven't shown yet your oing to have to waite untill the days get shorter. That probably won't happen untill Aug.:peace:


Well-Known Member
in order for it to flower, the plant needs 12 hours of light a day, or less, otherwise it wont flower.
like cph said, the days are getting longer, so itll keep growing. just trim it more and be patient, youll truely nt regret the wait when you get ozs and ozs of amazing product! :weed:


Active Member
do you think it would work if i put a garbage can over it in the evening a couple hours before it gets dark? i really want to sex these asap so i dont have to worry about the males


Well-Known Member
do you think it would work if i put a garbage can over it in the evening a couple hours before it gets dark? i really want to sex these asap so i dont have to worry about the males
That would work without harming them. and once they are sexed you could re-veg by not using the garbage can and let ma nature take over.