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  1. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    I think they should be ready in about 4 weeks. The guys on the seed shop said that it needs 7-8 weeks flowering. When looking with my magnifying glass I can already see that the top of many hair is orange/brown.
  2. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Hi, Here are some photos of the clones. There is a close up that you can see the hair coming out. I think the clones are probably 20 days behind the main plant. Probably because the went straight into flowering and didn't have 18/4 to gain some root strength. 1 of them is much taller than the...
  3. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    A close up photo of one of the main colas
  4. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Plants are 52 days from seed not 56 as mentioned above....
  5. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Hi, It's been a while since my last update. My girl is growing strong and it looks like there are many of nice buds forming. I followed SimpyBacked's adice and I took some clones. They all rooted properly and they are growing side by side with my main plant. Here are some photos I took...
  6. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    :mrgreen:Good Idea. Is it ok to take clones now that it is in flowering stage? I don't have any other place to put them so they will have to be 12/12 from the begging. I will give it a go. I need to cut some branches from there anyway and if it works it is a bonus... I will try to just take 2...
  7. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Hi, I am having a problem with my plant... As you can see from the photos it looks very congested. I am thinking of cutting some of the branches out... Is it better to cut the lower longer ones or just some of the small intermediate? Apart from this the plant looks good to me... I started today...
  8. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Can anyone suggest what is better for the smell? Will an ONA block work by itself or I need to use carbon filter.... I am really tight on space near my exhaust fan.
  9. R


    Nice grow dude. Nice to see that there is someone whose plant and setup look very similar to mine. Nice to see positive comments as well. I am trying to do exactly the same thing but I have one 6500k CFL 4k lumens. Do you think that it is going to fill the whole space? I didn't start flowering...
  10. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    I gave up on the LST. I dont think there is enough space in the pc to do it properly. I am going to try SCROG now. I made a screen using wire and I topped the plan. Not sure if I ve done it properly but I guess I ll find out in a couple of days.
  11. R

    Blue Cheese, Blue Hash pc grow

    You should have 2 fans on the same side of the box. The bottom one should put fresh air in and the top blow hot air out. If you have them on opposite sides they are not so effective. It lowered the temperature on mine by 2-3 degrees.
  12. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Here are some new photos of my girl. I added a humidity meter in the case. It stays around 50%. I wonder when should I change the lights to 12/12. I really want it to fill up the box.
  13. R

    SimplyBaked's PC Box of JOY!

    Nice setup you have there... Is your second fan on the right? I had mine on opposite sides and when I put both on the same side the temperature dropped by 2-3 degrees.
  14. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    The nuts are 24-8-16. I have been using half the recommended amount. The soil has some nuts on it but it is from the same make and they recommend to use them together.
  15. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    And some pictures... 15 days from seed
  16. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Today I replanted my girl to a larger pot. I am not planning on using anything bigger later. I also started the LST. Do you guys think that I should top the plant? I want to make use of all the space in the computer. When should I start the 12/12 light cycle?
  17. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    I am only using the nuts once a week. I water every two days so far so it is only one in 3 times. The compost has plant food but it doesn't say what exactly.
  18. R

    First grow - Scrog pc case, Turbo Diesel

    Hi man, Looking good :D Are you planning on LST them? I am a few days behind you. Check on my journal
  19. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Here are some new pictures of my girl. I am thinking of moving her to a larger pot so I can make use of the full width of my case and start LST as soon as I do that.
  20. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    10 days from seed. 8 since planted. My girl is looking green and healthy. I start feeding her some nutrients 2 days ago which seem to have accelerated the growth. I am using 24-8-16 nuts. Here are some new photos of her. Do you think she is too close to the lamp? The lamp is hot but I can...