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  1. Raudir

    Is this a bug or fungus?

    hey thanks man, That makes a lot of sense, the damages areas looked like they had been eaten but i just couldn't find the guy doing it. I've been treating them with a neem oil spray and I think I'm gaining ground on them. Thanks again.
  2. Raudir

    Is this a bug or fungus?

    I thought it might be some kind of burn too, but then i noticed on the leaves where it curls in there is like a fuzz/web that doesnt look like spider mites webs,it looks more like a fuzz. The web/fuzz has some big black specs in that i guess could be giant mites or really tiny bugs, but they...
  3. Raudir

    Is this a bug or fungus?

    My girls are in soil and spending time in the sun. I found this is only on one plant and on one side so I think its a bug. Any Ideas?
  4. Raudir

    strange yellow spots

    This is my first grow and im growing partially indoors and partially outdoors( i move the plant out when its nice and sunny and bring it back in just to keep it in the light for the proper anount of time) Recently its gotten some wierd yellow spots just on the bigger fan leaves and just on...
  5. Raudir

    Could any one give me some info on this plant

    Lol thanks guys, ill just give it a name like heinz 57. Yeah i was just curiose because alot of the leafs ive seen on this site are thin and long, where the leafs on this one are really fat. ( one leaf almost covers the palm of my hand)
  6. Raudir

    Could any one give me some info on this plant

    So i have no idea what this plant is. I was talking to some guy about growing and he got me these seeds saying these will get me started. This was befor i knew anything about strains and genetics. ( i still dont know anything about strains and genetics) I know its still early to tell the...
  7. Raudir

    Where Does The Best Bud Come From

    I wouldnt really say it comes from any particular place, in my experience the best bud comes from the best growers. Each state/country im sure has good growers and shit growers.
  8. Raudir

    My Buddy got caught

    So as i read through this site i see people alayse saying not to tell any one, or the feds will get you. My buddy got caught recently ( we live out in cali) and hes not a big time grower, he maybe had 3-4 plants. And he grew in his back yard and his neighbors got upset yada yada yada...
  9. Raudir

    will I confuse my plants?

    alright thanks bud, I appreciate it.
  10. Raudir

    will I confuse my plants?

    Ive started growing indoors and i only have a few plants in the veg cycle ( 2-3 plants). Lately its been nice and sunny outside so ive been shutting off the lights and taking my babies out to get some sun for a couple hours a day. Am i going to get them as confused as a 6 year old wondering why...
  11. Raudir

    CFL purifiers and smell.

    Ive never grown before, but ive been in houses where it was grown and couldnt really pick the smell up, but im mainly wondering how strong is the smell when its in flower. i mean Are we talking it can stink up a house or would it be just the room it its in? I know its kind of a newb question...
  12. Raudir

    How should I grow in my location

    Ok, Thanks guys, budget isnt really an issue as its not something i have to have right now and i'm willing to save a little bit to get the job done right.
  13. Raudir

    How should I grow in my location

    A little information goes along way in my opinion so first ill give you the run down of what i got. I live out away from people but i have a 8x8 room in my shop. id like to turn this into my grow room, but it the building has little to no insulation and the summers get hot here ( 110+ F) with a...