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  1. Dgirl666

    Flying tiny bugs

    Are they bad for my plants. I have a pic.
  2. Dgirl666

    Why is she not maturing?

    All the other plants are getting all kinds of pistils and thrics though, so it can't be the nutes, I think ill keep her. I also have a litttle girl that got her growth stunted so ill keep them both around for awhile longer.
  3. Dgirl666

    Why is she not maturing?

    Feeding fox farm hydro system and humbolt honey for flowering. I took a couple more pics.
  4. Dgirl666

    Why is she not maturing?

    They are all in week 12 and all are maturing well except the 1st pic she has big fat leaves and is from bag weed. Any ideas why she is taking so long? Should I leave her growing even after I harvest the rest? Any advise will be helpful....thankx
  5. Dgirl666

    New girls leaves curling

    I have a dehumidifier running down there maybe I should turn it off till it warms up? By the way cats are not the devil!!!! I was being funny....thanks
  6. Dgirl666

    New girls leaves curling

    Here are some pics and fox farm nute chart says week 3 ppms could be between 1160 and 1260.
  7. Dgirl666

    New girls leaves curling

    Yes they are young in veg stage. How do I fix if ppm is too high? I adjusted the ph up to between 5.6 and 6.3. The ppm is now around 1050. The leaves are curling still but only on some of the 33 plants and the light is at 12 inches above them with a glass lid on the hood to protect from heat...
  8. Dgirl666

    New girls leaves curling

    My new girls leaves are curling. Whyuiiiiiiiiiiiiooo (my cat wrote that) Why? the PH is between 5.0 and 6.5 and the ppm is at 1050. Any ideas?:roll:
  9. Dgirl666

    week 10 0f flower

    Yes its my first grow! I cut all of the dead leaves off of all the plants, not sure if its too much nutes or what went on vacation and came home to this...was thinking of flushing for a couple more days then pulling on friday....
  10. Dgirl666

    week 10 0f flower

    Hey guys I need advise. 80 views and not two people have any advise. come on please, I dont care if its bad news. Any comment is advise and I will appreciate it!
  11. Dgirl666

    week 10 0f flower

    We started flushing yesterday and were hoping to harvest on friday. They are growing in rockwol cubes should we cut right at the base of the cube and hang to dry? Or do you have another suggestion? Thanks for the advise!! Should we be flushing more than twice a day once in morning and once at...
  12. Dgirl666

    week 10 0f flower

    R they ready or is there another problem?
  13. Dgirl666


    Why are they yellowing this is the 8th week of flower? no problems till i added Honey (Humbolt brand) for carbs..
  14. Dgirl666

    Plant molasas

    What is this i here about plant molasas to make your buds bigger and plumper? Im going in to the 8th week of flower andthey are coming along ok could be biggerany recommendations on what kind (brand) of plant molasas to give them a boost in the last few weeks...
  15. Dgirl666

    R they ready

    This is end of week 8 R they ready?
  16. Dgirl666

    5th week into flowering

    Hey guys just wondering how you think my ladies are looking on their 5th week into flowering? Do they look like they will need another month or more or 3 weeks? most of them have trichomes showing on the main bud and some of the smaller buds. The tallest one is 28 inches (how big willl they get?)
  17. Dgirl666

    Flowering ladies

    Male part there are... I have picked off most of the male parts, hoping I wont have total seed weed... according to the source of the seeds... I should have gotten a 70 percent of females when I got a 33 percent counting hermies, so Im just happy to get what I got so far there is always next...
  18. Dgirl666

    Flowering ladies

    Here are some pics of my ladies
  19. Dgirl666

    Flowering ladies

    Question 1. I have 12 flowering ladies one that seems to be hermie... is that good for getting me some seeds? I seem to be running out of space and they are reaching for the light every day. They are in the third week of flowering and the biggest one is 27 inches tall. Question 2. Can I snip...
  20. Dgirl666

    Flowering Yet...

    So this is day 6 of flowering stage with ff tiger bloom and lights at 12/12 watering before lights go off and after they come on. Im not sure if Im seeing seed sacs or or not on two different plants(see pics) if so when should I pic them I would like to have some seeds as I used all the seeds I...