week 10 0f flower


Well-Known Member
Looking about ready to me...I would go another few days and do a good good flushing today and harvest thursday.


Active Member
We started flushing yesterday and were hoping to harvest on friday. They are growing in rockwol cubes should we cut right at the base of the cube and hang to dry? Or do you have another suggestion? Thanks for the advise!! Should we be flushing more than twice a day once in morning and once at night before lights out?


Active Member
Hey guys I need advise.
80 views and not two people have any advise.
come on please, I dont care if its bad news.
Any comment is advise and I will appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Mate i would cut the plant with the dead leaves ASAP.. Did you over nute them or something ? The other plants look about ready also, just make sure you give them a good flush 2 weeks is the best, but i've had plants that I've never flushed and they've smoked ok.

Looks good though. Is it you first grow ?


Active Member
Yes its my first grow! I cut all of the dead leaves off of all the plants, not sure if its too much nutes or what went on vacation and came home to this...was thinking of flushing for a couple more days then pulling on friday....


Well-Known Member
when u flush ,, pour 5 times the amount of water through your pots,, put em in bath or something to do it, if u can get a microscope at least 30x mag then look at ya trichs and see if they cloudy /amber.

i usually do 1 big flush then give jus water for a week,, its your call on bringing em down,, i wud check trichs first, i think as already said your dead leaves are down to overfert or underfert rather than end of lifecycle,, although she is relatively close.. gd luck

Brick Top

New Member
Are the trichomes a color that will give you the most of what you can get of what you like the most from the strain? If so …. harvest. If not, either you have to wait longer or you have already waited to long. Its all about the trichomes.