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  1. S

    What do you think up when you're high????

    dude you might be on to something and after they "grow us" when we die they are really smoking us? what if we are like the little red hairs on a bud or something???? WOOOWWWW EPIC!:-o
  2. S

    What do you think up when you're high????

    yeah.... i know what you mean
  3. S

    What do you think up when you're high????

    I'll start... well i just was thinking that what if this world is like the movie matrix.. and the life that we know and are living now is like a dream to the "real" us.. Think about it.. how come we dream about things that happen in the future? Or there must be alternate universes if thats not...
  4. S

    The 1000 Things To Do While Stoned Thread!!!!!!!

    183) Watch Family Guy/ South Park 184) Get Pulled Over (with some green on you) 185) Get away with a warning! (Got to keep the green and I live in texas) 186) Play Beer Pong 187) Play Pokemon (Only up to silver and gold version.. the rest of them suck and are lame) 188) Masturbate (someone else...
  5. S

    How do i clean my pipe?

    great news got more green and a new one hitter pipe lol sweet
  6. S

    How do i clean my pipe?

    nevermind about cleaning the pipe now. me and my girlfriend were in the garage smoking and about an hour later we go inside well in the process of going inside she drops the pipe on the ground and it shattered!!! oh well it happens,, we both laughed about it at the time but now it sucks..p.s. im...
  7. S

    How do i clean my pipe?

    this sucks... after i cleaned it with the alcohol and salt i smoked a nice bowl with my girlfriend and she got blazed and dropped the pipe and we were on concrete in the garage and it shattered!!! FML... another FML moment... out of weed!!!!!! until friday lol
  8. S

    How do i clean my pipe?

    my girlfriend just bought me a nice little glass pipe from one of her friends she never cleaned it and its got resin buildup bad... also i hear that resin makes you higher???? is it true i dont care for the taste though..bongsmilie
  9. S

    Bugs in my plant =(

    my plant is a little over one week old it growing pretty good but this morning i checked on the plant and it haves what looks like to be bites on it i searched the plant for bugs, changed the soil cleaned the pot is there anything else i can do to help make sure this plant survives? thanks
  10. S

    what do you like to eat wen ur high

    i like to bake tostino's pizza rolls and then dip them in some queso mmmmm so good when youre high lol i think i might have some after this blunt
  11. S

    1st grow need suggestions...

    good news i flushed the 2nd plant and i think its coming back.. the stem is turning back green and the leaves are turning bright green i think im ok... but if anyone still wants to help me out and just give me tips that would help... Pics will be up soon
  12. S

    1st grow need suggestions...

    ok i just transplanted the plants into their own pots. i used some shock preventor and i have started flushing the chemicals.. now one plant is thriving and now has a thicker base but the other one is turning brown and is really skinny.. i have both of the plants leaning on a support post...
  13. S

    1st grow need suggestions...

    thanks for the help. i just transplanted one of the plants into a bigger pot got some good soil and perlite ( i think thats how you spell it) put it in the newpot. I have some plant transplant mix... it says that it helps prevent shock...Is it safe to use also any tips on what type of nutrients...
  14. S

    1st grow need suggestions...

    i started off germinating the seeds 5 at a time 4 sprouted i planted 2 in one pot and the other 2 had their own pots (didnt have enough pots for each of them) the pots are just some basic small plastic plant cup with holes in the bottom. Suprisingly the 2 plants in the same pot were the only...