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  1. Sardonicus

    Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!

    Southern Ontario - Black Domina grows amazing here outdoors and Blueberry Skunk grows great indoors
  2. Sardonicus

    people killed themselves and their 2 year old son because of global warming fear

    Natural Selection... we all have a purpose... sometimes its an example of what not to be.bongsmilie
  3. Sardonicus

    A Different Angle to the Homosexual Debate

    OK - where I stand... I could careless whether or not they are pre-determined homosexual or they made a choice or a combo of those two or whether or not aliens came out of the clouds and individually sprinkled each one with distant space pixie dust that makes the human species queer as a 3...
  4. Sardonicus

    what would you pay for 20 dank gram's

    Southern Ontario
  5. Sardonicus

    Whad up rollitup

    What do you expect your yields to be from this "grow pc"? btw welcome to the board :)
  6. Sardonicus

    what would you pay for 20 dank gram's

    Damn!!! I thought 200 an oz was steep... I am used to 150 an oz... and it is killer smoke... and thats WHEN i break down and BUY it... if you are smart in the summer you won't need to run your hydro bill up in the winter
  7. Sardonicus

    What I Do When I Am Not Gardening..

    Thanks everyone :)
  8. Sardonicus

    What do you hate about dealers/buying bud?

    what i've never been able to wrap my head around... weed costs the same to grow no matter the strain - why are all seeds/strains priced differently?
  9. Sardonicus

    my outdoor medical grow 2010!

    They look nice and healthy :D
  10. Sardonicus

    What I Do When I Am Not Gardening..

    a couple more... Madagascar Sunrise - Watercolour - 18"x24" A tribute to my Dad - RIP - Watercolour post more later...
  11. Sardonicus

    What I Do When I Am Not Gardening..

    another watercolour and some ink... The Western Oil Sands
  12. Sardonicus

    Two Summers Back

    btw the 1st pic is just one plant :) amazing yield
  13. Sardonicus

    Two Summers Back

    lol ... where I live - lets just say... its pretty common
  14. Sardonicus

    Two Summers Back

    Practising for summer last winter...
  15. Sardonicus

    What I Do When I Am Not Gardening..

    The Circle Watercolour 18"x24" more coming...
  16. Sardonicus

    What I Do When I Am Not Gardening..

    Last Tree Standing with watercolour I have lots more paintings... will up load more later
  17. Sardonicus

    Blackberry Kush Harvest!(pics)

    :fire: what he said kiss-ass
  18. Sardonicus

    most relaxed laws in america for smoking weed

    Alaska would be great for making hash :D
  19. Sardonicus

    Got ripped off!!!

    if they are close to home ... a baby monitor in middle of crops has always worked for me :)
  20. Sardonicus

    Two Summers Back

    That 70's Weed yielded 1/2 lb minus a minor spot of bud rot... I'd put this in pictures but won't lemme access the section... This year I plan on some more of this strain and some Black Domina.