Search results

  1. 209Grower

    Strain Suggestions? Please Help!!

    im looking for a new strain to grow. im looking for something that grows extremely well indoors, and due to my location (San Joaquin Valley, CA) something that will do well in higher temperatures! Id like a strain that has about a 8 week Bud cycle, and something thats gonna give me a great...
  2. 209Grower

    Where to find particular strains????

    im from california, nearby stockton CA, and im looking for a few strains in particular. The clubs in stockton and modesto are very scarce when it comes to clone options, does anyone know where there is a club somewhat close to me that may have one or more of the strains im looking for...
  3. 209Grower

    Mildew??? PLEASE HELP!!

    not sure what humidity is but ill check and get back to you. Does mildew usually occur in areas with Higher, or Lower Humidities?? Im very concerned because currently i am vegging 2 different strains under my flouresent lights (Super Silver Haze & Querkel) and the Querkels are the only plants...
  4. 209Grower

    Mildew??? PLEASE HELP!!

    i have clones that hve a very bad mildew problem..some of the leaves look like they are completly covered in dust or sugar, a friend who grows told me its mildew, so my question is how do i get rid of it? and also how can i prevent it from reoccuring??
  5. 209Grower

    lumens of sun compared to my 1000 Watt HPS bulb???

    just wondering how many lumens are put off by the average 1000 Watt HPS bulb, and also how many lumens are put off by the sun? basically i have plants indoors under a 1000 Watt HPS and i have several plants outdoors in the sun and i wanna know what the difference is between the amount of lumens...
  6. 209Grower

    Blue Dream & GDP 3 Weeks into Flowerin! How are they lookin??

    i gave them nutes for the first time 2 days ago im keeping it simple and baaarely used any nutes.. the yellow leaves are on my GDP and the tips of those yellow leaves are starting to turn purple is that not okay??
  7. 209Grower

    Blue Dream & GDP 3 Weeks into Flowerin! How are they lookin??

    I have 4 plants, 2 Blue Dream and 2 GDP. heres the recent pics there almost 3 weeks into budd... how are they looking?? any tips to help me maximize my yield??
  8. 209Grower

    First time indoor grower w questions! PLEASE HELP!!!

    yes my 1000 watt light has a 6" air cooled hood wit a duct fan pulling all hot air
  9. 209Grower

    First time indoor grower w questions! PLEASE HELP!!!

    im growing 2 GDP and 2 Blue dreams. i want them no larger than 4'. my grow room is a pretty constant 84 degrees during day and about 73 in the evening w a constant 35-38% humidity and my grow space is 3 x 6 x 8. im using organic soil and distillled water so pH shuldnt be an issue but i have a...
  10. 209Grower

    Mites & Temperature control

    im a first time grower i just went and got my clones from the club and decided to grow GDP and Blue Dream! i have heard bad stories of Mites infesting and ruining peoples crops! What can i do to help keep my plants from getting mites? If i do get them what can i do to get rid of them? is...
  11. 209Grower

    First Grow!! Blue Dream and GDP! Any Advice??

    This will be my first grow. Im growing in a closet that is about 3 x 6 x 8. Im using a single 1000 Watt HPS light with a 6" air cooled hood and digital ballast. I Have a ventilation system in place, (6" flex duct with in line duct fan connected to hood to pull hot and old air out...
  12. 209Grower

    Blue Dream and GDP

    Anyone have any info on Blue Dream or GDP? Any Growing advice??