Mildew??? PLEASE HELP!!


i have clones that hve a very bad mildew problem..some of the leaves look like they are completly covered in dust or sugar, a friend who grows told me its mildew, so my question is how do i get rid of it? and also how can i prevent it from reoccuring??


Well-Known Member
How's your humidity? For it to already be so bad seems like it's going to be a big problem.
I've had great success with something called Serenade. Totally got rid of it for me, and works great as a preventative. It's a bacteria that eats mold/mildew then dies off. If you decide to use it, I'd recommend the concentrate rather than the premixed spray bottle. It's WAY cheaper that way.


not sure what humidity is but ill check and get back to you.

Does mildew usually occur in areas with Higher, or Lower Humidities??

Im very concerned because currently i am vegging 2 different strains under my flouresent lights (Super Silver Haze & Querkel) and the Querkels are the only plants w mildew! the Super Silver Haze has zero mildew but ive heard mildew spreads! Quickly and Easily!! so i wanna prevent this!

i used same lights, setup, and location to Veg my Current crop (Blue Dream & GrandDaddy Purple) and none of those plants ever aquired any mildew so any ideas as to why this 1 particular strain is being totally overtaken by this Mildew???


Well-Known Member
I think different strains have different susceptibilities to different things. High humidity is what you need to watch out for - especially in flower. If you're having mildew problems, there's a chance you'll have mold problems (bud rot).

BTW, if you have a Harbor Freight store near you they might have a little temp/humidity gauge. I had one that I got from a grow shop for $25 that was totally unreliable, then I found another at HF for $9 and it actually works much better.


Well-Known Member
get Greencure... it kills pm on contact has a 10 day residual.....totally smell.... can be used to day of harvest


Well-Known Member
spray them down with a mix bakingsoda\water. this will then dry off and leave a fine dust on the foliage and keep a ph of 7 wich midew cannot survive.
thats the tip from good ol jorge cervantes. remove\destroy foliage more than 50% affected