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  1. B

    NY guy ass raped w/ baton for smoking weed

    to protect and serve huh?!!
  2. B

    moving from the east coast to a mmj legal state

    I live in LA, moved here on Jan 6th. It took me a little bit, but it was not because I had to wait for the card, got my recommendation on 2/18. I waited so long because I thought you needed to have a California ID, but all you need is any state license, mail proving that you live in CA now...
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    MMJ Edibles

    Bump for some help?! come on someone has to know something. any of you Colorado guys got any info, i know of at least 2 edibles companies from there! BZ
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    Hey man: As of right now I am a LONG way off. But I will keep this in mind once I am ready to...

    Hey man: As of right now I am a LONG way off. But I will keep this in mind once I am ready to shove off and go forth with this business. Again its going to be a while, but i really appreciate the offer, it gives me a lot of hope that there is already such interest! thanks BZ
  5. B

    An established member told me my grow was very interesting and to post it...

    Fenn your shit turned out nicely! Good tight bud structure, the bracts are all nicely packed man! whatever your help in growing whether it be mylar, panda film, aluminum foil, white paint doesnt matter a damn if you are happy with your yield. personally could care less what others say of my...
  6. B

    MMJ Edibles

    Ok, so I have searched and searched and searched and I feel like im just :wall: evidently I am as computer illiterate as you can become in the 21st century! my family owns one of the top 10 bakeries in the country, and I have the recipe for some of my favorite things that we make there. from...
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    New to the boards

    Hey, thanks for the welcome! BZ
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    Ever Brought Weed on an Airplane?

    Ok, so here is my story of pot on a plane. So I used to live in Connecticut. I went to Florida for vacation for a week, and picked up some really heady nugget in Connecticut before I left, and decided I wanted to bring it with me to the airport and leave it in the car so that when I got home...
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    New to the boards

    Hey all, Just wanted to say hello, I am new to this site, years ago I was a member of Overgrow, and as of now I am also a member of gardenscure. I have a buddy who is on this site, still dont know his handle here, but I figured another website can only further my knowledge! SO HERE I AM! I...