New to the boards

Hey all,

Just wanted to say hello, I am new to this site, years ago I was a member of Overgrow, and as of now I am also a member of gardenscure. I have a buddy who is on this site, still dont know his handle here, but I figured another website can only further my knowledge! SO HERE I AM!

I hope to grow my knowledge and lend some as well! Heres to you all!:bigjoint:



bud bootlegger
hey welcome bz.. i also belong to a few different sites as i like to learn from more than one crowd too.. im not a member on gardencure although i do stop by there once in awhile when google takes me there, lol..
buy anywho's, welcome to riu, always nice to see a new face on here.. lots of great info on here along with people willing to shine a light on a problem or question one may have..