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  1. E

    Have any other hobbies???

    Oh man, too friggin many- im a musician as well, retired Dj to start- just traded my 8pc drums for an electronic 5pc- i miss the acoustic drums but man. dont know if ill ever go back. i also collect BMX bikes & ride downhill.
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    coughing up black shit in my spit

    fuckin ling butter man. its not gonna kill you
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    Fiery red leaves

    what kind of soil do you use?
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    Fiery red leaves

    ill bet money thats a Ph issue- and dude, get some nutes. that light delicate green color- nitrogen big time!
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    Need some guidance

    golden rule- MORNING MORNING MORNING! only water, top off (cutting the top most growth to cause more buddable branches to grow), or prune in the plant's morning time with ONE EXCEPTION- spraying for bugs- do that at the plant's bed time after the sun has gone down. if you water your plant in...
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    NooB Advice

    shrub is an a$$hole. i took your post word for word and got to thinking myself, as intended. majored in shite, shrub did. and it seems he got his degree
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    For me it's simply obvious that religion is all made up. I tried to vie the whole thing a good solid run, believe me, but i just kept running into the same fucking thing- evolution. every religion on earth has evolved. woops.
  8. E

    2 x 1000w Vertical {Fortress of Green} *aptmnt, soil, snake oils ;]*

    i see, even better. the pic was a little hard to follow the way they showed it. that answeres my next question about how the hell youd move heat thru carbon. i saw a system like that on a Jorge Cervantes video but he didnt get too elaborate about it. looked like it would be great for sativas.
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    Does Tobacco smoke harm the plants?

    no, suntan lotion blocks UV rays. just rubbing against a plant could have disastrous effects on photosyn-awwww fuck it, couldnt hold a straight face!
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    2 x 1000w Vertical {Fortress of Green} *aptmnt, soil, snake oils ;]*

    deff got to follow this one. isnt the carbon filter supposed to be at the end of the exhaust though? yours shows air going in through the filter
  11. E

    My First Grow Box

    the trick to venting is to have your out fan move more air than your intake fan. that also serves to stabilize the air pressure which from what ive seen does have an impact on the bud density... but i could totally be wrong there or it could just be my box, dont carve that in stone. but yeah...
  12. E

    Does Tobacco smoke harm the plants?

    id venture to say that since smoke in all forms from any source resinates itself and that resin from any source will block humidity, air flow and light transference that its advisable to NOT smoke much around em. really wanna help em cheaply- breathe on em. sit up close and stare and breathe out...
  13. E

    Anyone know where to buy a Zapo frog?

    i love that jack dirty kid, growing weeds just to get high. weeds. really. id get high on frog venom, its like having weed that feeds itself, why the hell not? $65 for a bottle of Sugar Daddy or $2.25 for a little bag of bugs. really. growing weeds to get high. my impression of this...
  14. E

    trimming fan leaves during veg

    dude same here. got someone with the wrooooooong info tellin me how to start out last year. now this year im doin it myself... with a mentor and a weekly regiment of research! and ive learned everything i need to know today just from your post, thanks everybody.