My First Grow Box



what temperature range does your cabinet stay at?

Any updates on your plants?

the trick to venting is to have your out fan move more air than your intake fan. that also serves to stabilize the air pressure which from what ive seen does have an impact on the bud density... but i could totally be wrong there or it could just be my box, dont carve that in stone.
but yeah, stronger exhaust than intake, not by much, but if ya can.


what temperature range does your cabinet stay at?

Any updates on your plants?

I've been experimenting with the direction my fans are blowing and my temps have been a little funky. When I had one intake and one exhaust, the exhaust fan really doesn't do too much, and the humidity stayed really low. With my fans like this I could pretty much control the temp from around 74 F - 82 F and the humidity was around 16% - 20%.

Now I have both fans blowing in and I've been leaving the doors open a crack. That brought the humidity and temp up. I've been keeping it around 78 F - 80 F and 30% - 40% relative humidity.

Five the plants are healthy, but when the temp rose some of the smaller ones got too hot/ dry. I countered that by over-watering which probably helped release enough shit from the MG to nute burn the babies. I've been lightly misting them with water to cool them and moisten the leaves which were pretty dry.

Other than the heat stressed/ Miracle Gro burned babies everything seems to be going well.

Note: After I took these pictures some of the leaves on the stressed plants have started to straighten out a little. I haven't decided if I should try to save them or not as I don't plan on growing all of these plants anyway.

Any tips on fixing heat stressed plants? Or are my babies sad mostly because of my poor choice of soil?

- Jeremy



Well-Known Member
Nice box dude! I thought qbout LED panels in mine. But since it was only for veg, and the cfls keep it kool, didnt need to. Good thinkin on the spray paint. I had left over mylar rolls, so i didnt do that. All-in-all, good shit!