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  1. S

    How many Mg's of THC is in a bowl/joint etc? Need to know dosage, have glaucoma

    smokajoe: No, I think that means 50mg isnt really all that potent, but potent enough for a non-toker to catch a slight buzz. I think the words they used were "slight dizziness, tiredness, etc." So not like hallucinatingly high like we like to get on cookies, more of a slight buzz and their goal...
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    How many Mg's of THC is in a bowl/joint etc? Need to know dosage, have glaucoma

    Yeah I finally did some basic math last night and figured that - if the bud's 10% THC then itd be 10mg, lower than I expected but I guess since its smoked its psychoactive at smaller doses. I don't think they were using 'synthesized' THC, but it was in a capsule. I'd just like to know what an...
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    Poll: When do you start day 1 flower? 12/12 or first pistil?

    Not always. I thought so too once, but I've got Sweet God and Hash Plant strains that, after vegging clones 2-4 weeks under 24 hrs light, they show pistils after ONE DAY of 12/12! Like at every node. They still stretch and veg some but the pistils multiply every day. I'm used to waiting a week...
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    How many Mg's of THC is in a bowl/joint etc? Need to know dosage, have glaucoma

    I have glaucoma, and smoke marijuana 5-10 times per day, but I havent ever been able to find out what the "correct dosage" that I need to reduce pressure enough. I mean, I like getting stoned anyway so I just smoke whenever I can, but I'd like to know. I finally found on a patents website a...
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    I'll leave it alone after this...but just one correction: Doctors OVERPRESCRIBE meds that can help.... I know Xanax helps some people out there...some people with a chemical imbalance...but from first- and second-hand experience, most people that take them have no reason to other than they...
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    Yes I know but it just irks me when someone is pushing, er, recommending dangerous pills to someone else, in a marijuana forum at that, when clearly they both know the values of medical marijuana....
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    This is from a website, Klonipin is brand name clonazepam, same thing: Some strange or paradoxical Klonopin effects are: agitation aggressive behavior anxiety depression excitability hostility irritability nervousness nightmares, vivid dreams sleep disturbance
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    Dammit you're not listening... clonazepam is about the same thing as Xanax! They're fuckin pills and will A) Kill You B) Make you the most irritable person in the world when youre NOT on them C) Make you a lazy pillhead - they say marijuana leads to lack of motivation? Look at a pillhead and...
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    And you're brother should be ashamed for trying to get you on Xanax! Took too much LSD? No such thing, unless you've ALREADY got mental problems, it can make them he already had a chemical imbalance Xanax might work for him, but for 90% of the people prescribed...
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    Once again, Xanax is NOT the answer!!!! You are right about it being addictive and yes pills are a shitty feeling.
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    Xanax is NOT the answer. I have to deal with relatives on Xanax....they think "Oh I'm in a bad mood, I need some Xanax", and theyre happy when theyre on it, but when they 'come down' from it or wake up the next day........illest people in the world
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    I have glaucoma, a high-eye-pressure disease that leads to blindness if untreated, one of the ailments that medical marijuana helps most with (unfortunately, MOST glaucoma patients dont develop glaucoma until they are very old and dont really know about or want marijuana by then, but I'm 24, had...
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    Regenerating - indoor to outdoor? Need some advice

    I have been reading alot about regenerating plants. It is now June 21, my indoor are about 3 weeks from harvest, and the frost date here is Oct 1. I'd like to regenerate some of them once I harvest, but I can't turn the lights indoors to 24/0 because I will have more in there budding by then...
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    Should I use hermi seeds if I dont screw with light this time? Or use other seeds?

    So I got a timer now so lights are right... Used my hermi/fem'd seeds (Ive got like 1200 from last harvest, couldnt waste em - was good bud, just had more seeds than I wanted). Theyre about an average of 3 weeks til harvest, so far all female (about 25 out of 25) Ive only noticed one male...
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    Should I use hermi seeds if I dont screw with light this time? Or use other seeds?

    Well I've got a timer. I just need to make my room better (no light leaks) to use it right. Right now, I have lights on at night so that I can be there, and in daytime there is some light leakage in the room so every day I put them all in the closet of the room so it is 100% dark. I'll have to...
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    Should I use hermi seeds if I dont screw with light this time? Or use other seeds?

    Ive got a 400hps with a few plants finishing out under it (about 2 weeks to go), and need to start some new ones. Ive got hermi (feminized) seeds and I have access to regular seeds. I'd like to use the fem seeds because I start them in an Aerogarden that only holds 7 at a time (I dont want to...