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  1. B

    400w HPS husky cab grow 6 plants... For real.

    Yeah, we got cheap timers, and when we came down this morning, we saw that it wasn't working properly... These plants were getting way too much water. We're getting a new timer in a couple hours though, no worries.
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    400w HPS husky cab grow 6 plants... For real.

    Major updates, sorry it took so long! We had to switch things up... Those netpot trays were not keeping the plants consistently hydrated, and as a result we almost lost two and stunted two, though two of them are growing into monsters. We made homemade netpots with pudding cups, and ran a...
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    400w HPS husky cab grow 6 plants... For real.

    Updates, More pics and a little more explanation of how we did the cab if you like the look of it. $166 at your local home depot. It's nice because any of the modifications to the cab can be done with just a soldering Iron. There'll be pics of whatever I talk about on the bottom, but...
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    Introduction, and 100 Watt HPS Cabinet Grow

    Beautiful setup! Nice and small. Really, I don't think you could efficiently use much more than 100w of light in that space anyhow. You've got a bunch of experience.... And if you walk a tight rope with this grow, I bet you might even break a gram a watt. Isn't it hard to choose which pictures...
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    400w HPS husky cab grow 6 plants... For real.

    So, after toying around a bit with the idea of growing, and experimenting with bringing a plant through stage... I'd say it was about time we made a nice cab. Here's the attempt: Husky grow cab... HD. Plastic with metal front, Sealed pretty well. We Heavy duty weather stripping at all leak...
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    Prices per pound?

    Old thread, I know... But I guess we're getting fu^%ed hardcore up here in NY state, 1200 a lb for the dirtiest, brownest Mexican brick you could imagine.
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    Plexiglass over the plants

    I don't know, if you had a setup something like this, if it were in a bubble bucket, the air would be pushed through the netpot to the plant, or if push came to shove, you could even put a small 12v fan in the box with it for air circulation. I think if you let it grow till it was dense, and...
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    dueds and dudets.. I fucked up!

    They won't be males. At worst, They'll all go hermy on you. That means that if all the plants were hermies, they'd all be pollinating each other, which would probably result in unsmokeable, mostly seed buds. You'll be able to tell if they start producing little balls all over the place. Since...
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    Wall mounted aquarium/ DWC Concept.

    Ha, yeah... It really took about 25 minutes, but I've got a lot of experience building things. Check this out:
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    Wall mounted aquarium/ DWC Concept.

    Hey guys, I like the Idea of an attractive grow room. I also like the Idea of never having to add Nutes and having my PH auto balanced by nature, So I came up with this. It's an aquarium and root chamber mounted to the wall. It'd be made with extruded aluminum and plexi sheeting. The water...
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    what makes schwag or stress, exactly that?

    I had a couple Blackberrys, and broke the screens, so Now I've got my iPhone. ... I do miss brickbreaker, though. I had a friend who grew bagseed from schwag, and I really didn't get to see his grow room, but the bud turned out to be middies at best. I guess all that cross pollination makes...
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    what makes schwag or stress, exactly that?

    Here's where it's at, thedude... This is a constructive forum, and I've learned a lot from it. I've been reading for quite some time, and I'm proud to be a part of what it is. The quality of this community is wholly dependent on the members and how they interact. It's not about how many keef...
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    what makes schwag or stress, exactly that?

    There is your problem, dude... You are assuming that the OP doesn't know what schwag is. I don't know why you're assuming this, Because he obviously knows exactly what schwag is. He is asking what causes scwag, Growing conditions, or Genetics. I'll go over where I think your logic is flawed, or...
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    what makes schwag or stress, exactly that?

    Well, I'll give you a hint: Fuck yourself.
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    Check out our Hydro/bubbleponic Grow cabinet...

    So far so good, except my girl's parents are coming over tomorrow, and wat to see the basement. Fuck.
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    what makes schwag or stress, exactly that?

    The blacks and Mexicans bring schwag over? Mother fucker. I should have listened to my parents about this stuff.
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    Check out our Hydro/bubbleponic Grow cabinet...

    Abso-fuckin' lutely. This world is a changin'. Political Upset, Public Protest, and Productive Garders are pavin' the way for a greener future... Oh! and little Shakira... We're contemplating changing her name to Lady Gaga, 'cuz we really don't know if she's a girl yet. What would you guys...
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    Check out our Hydro/bubbleponic Grow cabinet...

    Ha, we will too... Right fucking now. bongsmilie Here we go... We were going to scrap the old ghetto cab, but figured it'll do us well for seedlings or vegging a mother. There's actually adequate FL lighting in there. So much so that we've seen some entire grows use less. They got shit yields...
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    Check out our Hydro/bubbleponic Grow cabinet...

    BTWs, Sounds like a nice grow you've got (Didn't load the pics, though)... I'll need to catch me some mantis pest control come spring.