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  1. Cheekshu

    Plant problem. Need help!

    Could be pH issues if you aren't checking that, get a simple color test from a pet store, that way until your tester gets there you can at least be sure the tap water is near what you should be using. (You can also test the run off water... it should be 1.0 pH below the water you poured in...
  2. Cheekshu

    my grow so far. Advice!!

    I like 20/4 for veg, before veg it doesn't matter... you can leave them in the dark until they pop through... once they pop through you are veggin'. I read an article talking about photosynthesis and supposedly the Stoma (pours on leaves that absorb nutrients, which have to close to use the...
  3. Cheekshu

    Are these male flowers?

    Thanks for the feedback guys... I removed it... :( Oh well... it was 1/2 the size of the others for some reason anyway. I've read Kalashnakova is known for hermies, but I thought I had kept the environment spot on, guess not. It was SO pretty and really producing some pretty buds. Sad, but I...
  4. Cheekshu

    PH Question

    Yes, that is completely normal. Some people don't even bother testing run off, I think that is up to you. <--- video from a Pro.
  5. Cheekshu

    Are these male flowers?

    Today I noticed some seeds growing on one of my plants. They are definitely seeds and not male parts, but I looked around the other plants and found some bud sites on one that look very different. Are these male flowers? If so, do I just keep popping them off and hoping for the best? Or remove...
  6. Cheekshu

    am a 1st time grower so any help is appriated

    Not during veg for sure, I think the MG is plenty. Maybe some during flowering, though it's not likely you will need it then either, but it's all up to the plants. Keep an eye on them when you switch to flowering, if you see anything weird figure out what the problem is as quickly as you can...
  7. Cheekshu

    Oversoaking seeds :(

    I would just sprout them in a warm, dark place in a very moistened paper towel, that way you don't have to worry if they have drowned or not.
  8. Cheekshu

    my first grow

    Looks great!
  9. Cheekshu

    RDWC - don't want root rot ! Can I just use DNF Sparkle or should I make Tea?

    I agree with this, without an air stone in each site you won't be getting the plants enough oxygen.
  10. Cheekshu

    What's happening to my girls!!? Bugs? Nutes??

    Hey guys, This morning I got up to check on them and 2 are in the beginning stages of some weird shiz! I checked everywhere with my loop and can't find any sign of bugs. I few little white spots that looked like flakes were on their leaves, but I do foliar feed and thought that might be the...
  11. Cheekshu

    Do these roots look weird? First time having any issue with reservoirs.

    Thanks everyone! I sprayed the stuff off and it is seeming to remain off right now. I did Aquashield + Hygrozyme when I cleaned out the reservoirs, but if I see that build up again anytime soon I will make the tea and change out the reservoirs again (I just don't want to have too many changes...
  12. Cheekshu

    Do these roots look weird? First time having any issue with reservoirs.

    Hi Guys! I had some issue with using white Vinegar for pH down, I was using a lot because of weird pH increases. I fully cleaned out each reservoir and it seemed I was in the clear, but the roots still look a bit strange to me. 1st- Because of a Pure Tea and FloraMicro the water is a little...
  13. Cheekshu

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks Doer! I changed out all of the reservoirs and so far... great luck! The roots are still coated a bit, but with the Hygrozyme and Aquashield the new roots are looking super white and the dingy yellowish ones are becoming the minority. I'm super new to this, so I'm still not sure what the...
  14. Cheekshu

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Yeah, could be. I'm just going to completely redo the reservoirs. I did one yesterday and rinsed the roots, etc.. it wasn't too bad and the slime seemed to wash right off the roots easily. Thanks :)
  15. Cheekshu

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I used white vinegar as a pH down and ended up with what I'm guessing is Mother bacteria in the water. Can I just rinse the roots, use Aquashield and Hyrgozyme to fix the bacteria issue? Or should I completely redo the reservoir water?? I just wondered if those 2 products would break the Mother...
  16. Cheekshu

    Cheekshu: I'm on a mission man!

    Hello! I'm Cheekshu This is my second time growing in a DWC, but the first time was sort of winging it and everything worked out perfectly, haha... good old beginners luck I guess. This time however, things aren't going so smoothly. The plants didn't start to develop any real growth until...
  17. Cheekshu

    Not seeming to grow and limp leaves

    It ranges, at night they are at 65-70 degrees... during the day 70-80. I have only been spraying them with water, I add a bit of vinegar to get my pH down to 5.5-6.0. I was spraying them at first with FloraGro, while they were in the dome, but that's when the roots started looking odd, sort of...
  18. Cheekshu

    Not seeming to grow and limp leaves

    Just through some nutes in the water underneath them. I use GH FloraGro, I also use that to even get my water up to 150ppm. Is there another method I could be using to help them be better fed?
  19. Cheekshu

    Not seeming to grow and limp leaves

    Hi all! :-D I started my plants 19 days ago. I kept them in a humidity dome just in rock wool for about 14 days, and moved them into a DWC set up 5 days ago. They maintain about 70-80 degrees with 50-60% humidity (which I keep high with a humidifier in the tent, because it's really dry and...