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  1. D

    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    Interesting report here: and one on marestail here:
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    Yes, organic plant-based foods are, on average, more nutritious. From the executive summary available here: Full report:
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    Do you have a vested interest in people using chemical fertilizers or are you just a troll? Maybe you'd care to offer something more substantial than simple proclamations. Wow, I'm impressed, a quote from Dick Tavern. Pretty interesting connections to biotechnology companies listed here -...
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    And there's also this: ========================================== From On a side note, there are some interesting differences between the two versions of the Siliscoe chart. Here is the original: And here is the same chart, but from...
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    OK. ============================================ "The potential contribution of organic farming to feeding the world maybe far higher than many had supposed," said Achim Steiner, head of the UN's Environment Programme (UNEP). Organic agriculture offers the potential for farmers to...
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    I'm looking at that. Was it a press release from Monsanto? I see nothing in your post about where those figures came from and I couldn't find them on either of the blogs you linked to. What is the source(s) for those figures?
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    I don't see anything in that piece on Borlaug about 30% less with organic, I see no citations to research showing organic yields 30% less. I couldn't find that part on Tomatoes, Milk, or chickens on either reason or coyoteblog.
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    Umm no, the high input was the conventional crops. Still no source for that 30% figure?
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    I still haven't seen a source for that 30%. I did find a report suggesting that organic growing yields 95% of crops grown under conventional high-input conditions.
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    Help me figure percentage of each for my soil mix?

    I use different ingredients, but my soil mix is 6 parts Sunshine Mix #1, 2 parts perlite, 2 parts EWC (worm castings), and 2 Tablespoons of powdered dolomite lime for each gallon of soiless mix. That's my basic soil mix used for seeds / seedlings and early veg. For my nutes, I use dry ferts -...
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    What is everyones opinion on B.O.G.'s strains?

    Hey Hobbes, they were available on seedbay - sold out already.
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    Your Opinion on my Organtic Grow

    2700K should be used in flower. Pics below - beans popped Sept. 9. grown under 160 watts of 6500K t-12's.
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    Magnesium Def? Maybe? Pictures

    I based the pH suggestion on the pics of the plants - it looks like pH spotting that occurs before lockout. The manganese suggestion was based on the pics of the leaves.
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    Magnesium Def? Maybe? Pictures

    Looks like a pH problem or possibly manganese. Not Magnesium, Mag is easy to spot - the veins are green while the rest gets yellow. Here's a pic where I circled the leaves that are showing it.
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers? The entire town of Rock Port runs on wind. I haven't found any reports of local aviary populations being destroyed yet.
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    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    What's the source for this 30% figure? Anyone wanting to learn a little more about organic soil can start with this link . A google search on sustainable agriculture will bring up some interesting links if you want to research...
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    Nirvana VS Marijuana Seeds Nl

    Some people live in states where it's legal for them to grow and use their medical marijuana. The federal gov't may have a different view. It's not like customs has a list of names and when they find contraband (seeds are considered contraband), they look at their list and say 'ok, John Doe has...
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    Nirvana VS Marijuana Seeds Nl

    I thought stealth meant secretive. Not very secretive any more.
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    4 weeks left - Fucked up with Mollassas !!!! Am I doomed?

    Foam and smelly tells me anaerobic bacteria probably took over in your barrel. Unless I'm making a compost tea I use molasses right away - don't go much beyond 24 hours with the tea.
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    indoor compost?

    Great. I've been reading up on Bokashi composting. I have EM-1 already. Here's a link with some of the things you can do with EM-1