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  1. D

    Whats With These Damn Timers??

    A/C and lights on the same timer doesn't sound good.
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    need nutrients referred

    I use Fox Farm. There's also Advanced Nutrients, General Hydroponics, and dozens more including brewing your own. Different people have different reasons for choosing what they use. Pick one and keep it simple (basic veg and bloom) for your first couple of grows until you get more familiar with...
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    left in bud for too long

    If it was a hermie, it was probably due to stress. Light schedule getting messed up or temps (heat-stress). There's also a possibility it could be genetic. It usually takes at least 5 weeks for seeds to mature, if they're green instead of a mottled brown they probably aren't viable. I also think...
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    Best Equipment?

    I think it comes down to personal preference. I've used SonAgro, Hortilux, and Sunnmaster bulbs without noticing much difference between the bulbs. For reflective materials, I've used flat white paint, mylar, and panda plastic. Mylar is the most reflective, but I prefer panda because it's...
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    When to change to 12/12? what works for you

    I have a little over 5 ft of headroom, so I flip when they're about 12-15 inches tall. I usually have pre-flowers showing pretty good and at least 10 nodes by the time I'm ready to flip (probably around 6 weeks on the last one).
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    seedling question, stretching/feeding

    Something around 6500k would probably be better for veg.
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    New Indoor setup

    A 26W CFL is about 1700 lumens. You need a 150W for 8000. See 150 to 200 Watt Compact Fluorscent for an example.
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    5 Gallon pots??

    I have 5 gallon buckets that are 11 inches wide and 9 1/2 inches deep, so I'd say around 7 gallons.
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    Need Help With Pure Sativa

    what kind of light cycle are you on now? How tall is your plant? What kind of lights are you using? I go by primarily by height because I have limited room. Time wise, I'd say you've waited long enough. You can flip now or wait longer, it's up to you - do you have the room/lighting for a larger...
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    wish someone could answere my soil/nute question :(

    Some of those soils are missing some of the other micro-nutrients that you need like magnesium. What brand is it? Maybe you can do a search and find someone who's done a grow in that soil.
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    Uc Police Are On This Site As U Read

    Driving down the road in a smoke filled car with a few roaches sitting in the ashtray. Come up to an accident and police stop me while they're cleaning up the mess. Good cop - "OK, you can go. Be careful" Bad cop - "Get out of the car with your hands where I can see them". followed by my head...
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    How long are seeds good for?

    Ask them about Grodan cubes (same thing).
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    The plant with the most yield

    I vote for anything that FDD grows. There has to be at least a pound or two on his plants.
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    Are my plant too tall?

    From your first pic looking lengthwise, it appears they're leaning towards the middle of the lights. I use a small fan to help strengthen the stems on the small ones too.
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    Buying seeds.

    I like the Jack Herer and Master Kush fems. Wish they had some Cinderella 99. I looked under their Seed Specials and the first two mix packs look good for regular seeds (Big Bud, NL, Bubblegum for 97 and WW, Crystal, and Ice for 109).
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    Budswel Ratio-please Help!!!!

    I come up with 13.24ml which would be about 2.69 teaspoons per gallon.
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    whats the best way to cure/dry??

    I hang mine for 4 days, brown bag for a day or two, then put them in jars. I like to give it at least 2 weeks in the jar before smoking. I have 3 liter jars that I use for long term storage and 3/4 liter jars that I use for short term - I put the buds from the 3L into the 3/4L so it doesn't dry...
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    Best HID lights!!

    I'm using Sun Agro. I've also seen something called Sunmaster and I've heard good things about Hortilux. I don't think you can go wrong with either the Sun Agro or Hortilux - I think Hortilux are the ones that make that odd size bulb, 430W, with extra blue spectrum in the HPS.
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    Mine has been pretty uniform so far. I get the nice fruity smell. Maybe that skunk one will turn out awesome - like finding a cherry pheno of AK-47. Maybe you'll get a lemony skunk.
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    My grow area was 4 ft long x 20 inches wide ( about 5 ft high). I planned on growing 3 plants ( 1 died at the beginning of flower). I did a light scuff on the seeds (sandpaper in matchbox) and put the seeds in 1.5" rockwool cubes. They popped out in about 2 days. (the cubes were soaked in...