Are my plant too tall?

hey guys this is my first time growing my own and i have very little idea what i'm actually doin! anyway i set up nine seeds i got offline (3 bubble gum 3 ice ad 3 thc bombs) under two 48 inch 40 watt t12 bulbs one warm one cool. the light are about 2-4 inches way from the plants and its been 8 days since i put them in jiffy pots and put them under the lights. some plants are two inches tall while some are almost 4 i chalked this up to being different strains since the plants that are the same strains are close to the same size. but some of the plants are starting to lean and me be paranoid as hell am wondering if this is normal? i've been spayng the plants daily with clean water from a sprayer to help giv em srength and i have a air purifier in the closet on med... so my question is does anything about his sound bad to anyone? and is the leaning normal? and is there any sugestion you would have to help me out, oh and i haven't started any nutes yet i wanted to wait about two weks or so.. and i got peters 20-20-20 for when i do start. it was recommended on several sites.

:peace: -space cowboy-

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Damn,

I would make sure you are in 3 gallon containers and I would not spray every day...

do you plan on cloning?



Well-Known Member
that's a lot of plants for only 80 watts of light (if i'm doing the math correctly)... if they stretch it's usually because they're not receiving proper light... don't spray them too much, and DON'T OVERWATER them!!! Biggest mistake from people is being impatient their first time and watering too often, they need to almost dry out between waterings (not bone dry)... start with a weak dose of the nutes when you do finally feed your plants (like 1/4 of what is suggested in the directions)... flush your soil atleast once a month... but Lights are your main concern, if you don't have enough you're not gonna get anything... keep reading up on this stuff man, it's worth it in the end!
i do plan on cloning them so i'm only hoping for one femal of each type. i assumed that 80 watts would be ok while they were little but i guess like my daddy always said if i assume i'll just make an ass of myself. how much light would you recomend putting in there??? and as far as wattering them goes i've been dividing about 24 ounces of water between all nine of them every other day with daily spraying(which i'll cut back on) they seem to almost dry out by the second morning, at least the top 1 1/2 is completly dry by then and under that seems pretty dry. hmm..... give me a bit and i'll get some pics in for you guys to look at thanks for all your help!!!

:peace: -space cowboy-
here some pics sorry if they suck i took em with my phone! thanks again. oh and this room don't have any reflective stuff on the wall cause i'm hangin it in there room right now so i'm working on that! and i'll pick up at least one more light fixture by tommorow, when i get off work.

:peace:-space cowboy- :joint: mmm i feel good........






Active Member
Yea 3 of mine are about the same age (planted the 25th) and for the ones that were leaning to the side, I just stuck a toothpick about a mm into the soil and let the plants lean into it. Within a day or 2 I could take the toothpick out cause they straightened up.

As for nutes, if you're growing in soil with any kind of NPK in it, you wouldn't need to use any nutes until they've been in the soil for 2 or 3 weeks. I'm growing in the same exact cups with a soiless mix, peatmoss with perlite or vermiculite and don't plan on nuting them until 2 or 3 weeks after transplanting them in 2 gallon pots, which I'll do within a few days as the catyledons are starting to yellow and curl up, which is a sign of nutes in the current soil running out.

Hope that's accurate and helps.. I think it's accurate anyway;)
oh cool! i'll give that a shot i also pushed the dirt around the roots gently till they stood straight up and i added a tad more dirt around the top last night and they haven't started leanin again yet so i'm thinking maybe that helped a bit. when the nutes run out is that when it's best to move them to the 12"x12" pots i got?? and are those big enough for the rest of their lives?

:peace:-space cowboy-


Active Member
I don't know the volume of your 12x12 pots, and depending on how long and big you want to grow them out, either 2 or 3 gallon (or bigger if plan on vegging for a really long time and letting them grow huge) pots will be enough. I think most people repot when the roots have outgrown the 1st pot, but do a search for how they do it and make your own mind up, there are many ways to skin a cat in this field ;)
thanks bro thats good advise and yeah i would love to veg em till they reach about 3 ft tall thats about al my room will support. but i'm kinda on a time schedule due to my lease on my place going up in about 6 month and thats counting this month, then i'll have all the time in the world and i my see if i can get some six footers just for the heck of it...... more buds always good anyway!!!

:peace:-space cowboy-


Well-Known Member
They look like they are going to want a transplant soon, when you transplant, bury the plant up to the set of round leaves, or right under them and should eliminate leaning unless they stretch again


Well-Known Member
They look like they are going to want a transplant soon, when you transplant, bury the plant up to the set of round leaves, or right under them and should eliminate leaning unless they stretch again

This isn't going to make the stem rot? I'd rather give a little mechanical help.
hey guys ive been reading online and a few places i found say absolutly no tap water while some say tap is fine, i also read online that while distilled water is free of contaminites it lacks needed nutrients!? so thus i would like your opinions on the matter. i have gotten realy good feed back from you guys and want to say thanks again by now i would have killed my plants if it wasn't for you!!!!

:peace:-space cowboy-


Well-Known Member
Well whats your tap water? City water is ok if let stand overnight to 24 hours to let the chlorine flash off. If you have well water, thats a different story. You will need to know about, mineral, hard/soft, etc.

Overall you should be fine, unless your tap water is pretty bad.

(oh, I'm not a hydro guy, that it probably matters more if you are doing hydro)
i'm not doing hydro and it is city water and i have let it sit out for at least 48 hours cause thats what the site about distilled water being useless said. so thats good to know thanks bro!!

:peace:-space cowboy-
ok guys one more quik question.. most plces i've seen said 35-60% humidity is good for both stages.. but in ak i have a very dry climate what would you recommend for each stage? and is it that big deal if im not monitering it now? plants look good but i'm still hunting for a tester???


Well-Known Member
not a bad thing to have a monitor, but if the plants look good, leave 'em alone. mine stay around the 40-46% mark.

just remember, gradual environment changes, if ya gonna change stuff.


Well-Known Member
From your first pic looking lengthwise, it appears they're leaning towards the middle of the lights. I use a small fan to help strengthen the stems on the small ones too.