It's been cool and overcast here-which make the plants stop growing. Weeks with a lot of sunny days I get good growth. To top it off my tomatoes don't want to turn red,this weather sucks for growing.It will warm up soon enough.
I had to pull out one of my little one because it was a male and I don't think I wanted it genetics. I'm down two 3 adult and 2 immatures, Can't find any seeds yet,I hope I was not too late.
Male has already dropped some pollen but about to go into full bloom pretty soon.Some thing has been eating my little ones so put out slug-o +. Hope I get a good batch of seeds because I'm out.
I have 2 females and one male getting ready too open, am I too late on reddish female or should I pull and dry her for smoke? Anything I should do too get a good batch of seeds? I'm out of seeds and don't want too buy any more. The females only smell when you touch them or get really close.
It only cost me $60 in Sherman Oaks. I live hour from there but the price made me think it would go fast,but they did kind of long Evaluation, did blood pressure and said I may have a thyroid problem and should get a blood test but the way I figure god is going to take when ever he wants, I'm...
I just became legal in November. I'm growing lowryder 2 and it's not going very well sadly. Any one for any luck with any other types that don't smell much?
I used 6.6 feet of clear led rope lights zip-tied in a circle to see how it would effect the growth. Only been on a few day and still keeping reptile light above it. Will plant outside as soon as it warms up. I'm waiting for it too get above low 70's before planting my last 3. The ones out...
Lowryder2 should be done by then if it's not too cold. Lowryder2 grows slower when its cold. If it's below 70's don't expect much growth those weeks.I have some out side that smell already. I did a 3 plant early run- one died but the others are smelling when you touch them already but turned...
If it's not composted first it does more harm then good. Fertilizer less more.You can always ad more later but too much will kill the plants or hurt the plants. 100 plants you better be 100 miles from any body because that's going to smell for mile, if your trying to grow plants that big and...
they last while but they dry out faster then plastic and rip easy when wet. Some time stores have old 5 gallon bucks out back just drill a few holes in them or take a hammer and a nail and there free.
It may be a little cold too plant this early depending on where your are- I would put snail bait where your planting first if you can-you can buy it at must drug stores. Snail and slugs could take that plant out over night..
I would wait tell later in the season if your not going with an Auto flowering plant. I'm growing lowryder 2 and it still too cold here here for much growth.
I took a razor blade and cut the seed shell up pretty good not the flesh part and got the 3rd to wake up. I'm starting my seeds in a flower that I put foil in with one of those single reptile light with a florescent bulb.Too give them a jump start.It's pretty cool out side. Going to plant them...