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    550 watts of hps grow!!

    what strain?
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    Keeping gnats out of hydrotron?

    For soil grows i heard to put a layer of sand ontop of it to keep gnats from laying eggs but with waterfarm buckets its not really an option to put sand on top of it. Anyone have a better way to keep gnats from laying eggs on roots/hydrotron. I use those yellow sticky strips but it only keeps...
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    C.A.P. OZN-Jr Ozone Generator

    that should work. Just play with it a little until your happy.
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    C.A.P. OZN-Jr Ozone Generator

    I use the ozn-1 as you describe. I use a tent within a room (carbon filtered) and i put the ozone gen near the door in the room i grow in. Works really well, my folks don't like the smell and they haven't complained since i got it so. but I don't recommend keeping it on 24/7, get a timer or...
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    Confused about SEALING a room??? BAD IDEA??

    Using carbon filters and fans only does so much if your room isn't sealed. It makes a world of difference to seal a room (aside from passive intake). I highly recommend sealing it if you are worried about smell. It helped me a ton with smell. the best grows are the safe ones. happy growing.
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    Hypothetically, How much would you sell this for?

    Because its illegal to buy from a dealer. Card holders buying from clinics or caregivers is legal business. I know i feel better paying for consistent quality and rest assured safe access to my meds.
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    fresh budz.....need a grinder!

    Definitely a sharpstone. Highly recommend the three piece but any kind of sharpstone will be a quality choice.
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    The Official Bubba Kush thread

    Smaller two (in one bucket) is pre 98 bubba and the larger one is just some bubba with a little calmag deficiency that i'm trying to work through.
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    P.H control

    I've heard if you use tap water it will fluctuate a great deal. RO (reverse osmosis) water apparently stays much more constant. I use tap water and i'm in the same boat as you. Someone with RO water should chime in on this one.
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    DWC, Bubbles Test for BIG ROOTS

    Try without bubbles as well for some kind of control. But very interested in the results (i use waterfarms)
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    Supercropping and other higher yeilding techniques

    I'd like to see what other people are doing to help get that little extra yeild per plant. Specifically, If anyone could give some advice on bending/tying down and promoting "bushier" plants. All talk is welcome though. (bring pics!) Thanks guys.
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    Waterfarm Mods & Tips

    lets see this answered, Having trouble seeing how my new clones will get their rockwool wet.