Confused about SEALING a room??? BAD IDEA??


Active Member
i was thinking about pretty much sealing the grow room. Not completely but pretty much. I got 2 424 CFM fans sucking heat and carbon cleaned air out of the room through an exhaust.

Will this cause problems? How will it suck air out of the room if it's sealed? Doesn't air need to get in somewhere?


Well-Known Member
You seal a room to keep the CO2 in.

If you are not using CO2 there is no reason to seal the room.

Sealed rooms use A/C to cool them not fresh air. If your room is not sealed you will need some fresh air source.


Active Member
You seal a room to keep the CO2 in.

If you are not using CO2 there is no reason to seal the room.

Sealed rooms use A/C to cool them not fresh air. If your room is not sealed you will need some fresh air source.
well i have tents inside this room. i wanted to seal it to block out smell and noise.


Using carbon filters and fans only does so much if your room isn't sealed. It makes a world of difference to seal a room (aside from passive intake). I highly recommend sealing it if you are worried about smell. It helped me a ton with smell. the best grows are the safe ones. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
well i have tents inside this room. i wanted to seal it to block out smell and noise.
aah, ok, that was not clear.

To control the smell what you need to do is create negative pressure in the room. That simply means you are blowing more air out of the room drawn through the carbon filter than you are taking in. This will cause any small gaps or holes in the room to draw air in rather than push it out creating smells elsewhere.

I am not sure how much the sealing of the room will help with sound control but making sure there are no gaps around windows & doors, floor trim, etc could not hurt.

But you wouldnt really be sealing the room because you still need a large fresh air intake unless you have A/C in the room.


Well-Known Member
You seal a room to keep the CO2 in.

If you are not using CO2 there is no reason to seal the room.

Sealed rooms use A/C to cool them not fresh air. If your room is not sealed you will need some fresh air source.
There is a reason to have a sealed room...smell..duh.

With a sealed room you can control the temperatures better and if you want to introduce Co2 to the room you don't need to redo it all.

There are many grows on here that completely disagree with your "a/c to cool them not fresh air"

With sufficient intake and exhaust any grow room can be kept to it's optimal level.

Please don't spread wrong information.


Well-Known Member
There is a reason to have a sealed room...smell..duh.

With a sealed room you can control the temperatures better and if you want to introduce Co2 to the room you don't need to redo it all.

There are many grows on here that completely disagree with your "a/c to cool them not fresh air"

With sufficient intake and exhaust any grow room can be kept to it's optimal level.

Please don't spread wrong information.
I think you misunderstood me. The term *sealing* a room means eliminating any air going into or out of that room. If you do that then you need A/C.

If you are referring to caulking, and stuff like that while you still have a big fresh air inlet and a big outlet hooked to a carbon filter (hopefully), then you are not sealing the room.

I made no judgment on which one was better for anyone.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Yes, Sealed room can only be done either in cool climates where the lights get temps to optimal range with heaters at night or lights on at night...OR, much more commonly, with an AC to cool the room.

If you are 'completely sealed with an exhaust fan going outside and a hepa filtered passive intake', that is not a "sealed" room.