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  1. S

    EC level for white berry

    Alright guys im onto my 3rd grow and was just wondering about different EC for different species,im just wanting to ask if anyone has grown white berry before and what was your results over all and if you found an EC level best suited for this species. Im currently on week 2 of flower AQUA...
  2. S

    Need help fast lads.....

    em im using aqua flores A,B 30ml to 10l of water and im keeping the ph to 5.8 or around there im watering them 3,4 times a day for 45 mins i water them manulay through my pump as im constantly in at them everyday so i wait until they go dry then water them again then turn the pump off after 45...
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    Need help fast

    ye il give em a good flush for a few days see what happens bu its strange that the 3 cheese plants are ok and its only this 1 thats got summit wrong i dont know what species the plant is i know its fem but thats it,it actually kinda smells like a grapefruit smell from it but well il try it...
  4. S

    Need help fast lads.....

    the roots look fine no discolouring or burning or brown bits they just look like the other 3 plants thats in the same hydro and i dont use meter stick i use a test card that has the spectrum on it and the correct ph levels which is really accurate.
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    Need help fast

    ph is 5.8 as suggested on the container of the aqua flores A,B
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    Need help fast

    no its hydro river system and always been fed the same amount of nutes..
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    Need help fast

    hi there took some new pics hope they help small leave is from the top of the cola and working down the plant as you can see its pretty bad and spreading to the rest of the colas. thanks for the replies.
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    Need help fast lads.....

    ye everything is fine ph is about 5.8, 6.0 says to keep it around that level on the aqua flores container so i have done since flowering about 7 weeks ago and no problem up until now.
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    Need help fast

    Hi guys got a problem ive got 3 swiss cheese and another plant in 7 weeks of flowering the swiss cheese are fine but this other plant is really bad looking 2 days ago it started to dry up although it was watered properly and the nutes are all fine so i checked it the next day and most of the...
  10. S

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    i got the same problem but it aint with my cheese its with an unknown strain i randomly planted from a bag of medicanal smoke heheheh but one day it was fine next day it was like it was being choked to death but theres no bugs or that and ph is fine started with like light spots then turned...
  11. S

    Need help fast lads.....

    problem guys i need help i recently got a real problem one minute one of my plants was ok then the next day i checked it i saw that it was drying up and the top leaves on the top of the colas started to wilt aand go yellow but the day before it was looking really nice so i removed the dead...
  12. S

    2009 budget SWISS CHEESE grow

    Hey nice grow mine look exactly the same maybe with a little more bud compaction going on hehehe in flower for just over 6 weeks now and look great theyre just started to come out looking like a DONKEYS dick lol pardon the phrase lol but if u going to punish ur palnt then it wont produce the...
  13. S

    WTF is THAT?

    lol even a nooob knows when he sees a flower lol yeP get yer skins and kettle on the go well all pop around in about 5 weeks time maybe 6 lol let u dry it properly 1st :P:P good growth post more pics at later stage :D:D:
  14. S

    help i think my plants might die

    if your soil has nutes then no need to ask as for bing skinny maybe water them longer make sure your pot overflows with water before you stop watering if not then the plant wont get enough to start off dont use nutes until about 2 weeks old and then only use about a quarter of the dilution like...
  15. S

    Need a blooming nutrient

    need a blooming nutrient can anyone help im running a hydro system i dont mind the expense.
  16. S

    Hey everyone this is my first grow. I need advice/input

    i would start now if u dont have much room mine are slightly smaller than yours at nearly 4 weeks and i just started the 12/12 2 days ago as of height probs,also look dam nice keep me posted on thier status heheheh
  17. S

    HELP many times do i water my plants.Hydro

    ok i wont top them il let em go a bit but i checked today about the watering i tried watering them for 15 mins every 2nd hour and the spreader matt and rockwool was dry very dry as if it was like a desert so i watered them again for bout 35,40 mins plants cheared up and started to look good...
  18. S

    Help quick ph level

    have you topped em yet if not best to do so,also i would train them too if thats possible but i would say deffo top em as ive got like the same prob all mine are different in size 1 large 1 and 3 smaller ones so il top the big on when it gets to about 4.5 ft maybe 5ft see how it goes from there.
  19. S

    New Avatar! Guess What Strain For + Rep For A Good Guess!

    ye looks like blueberry to me or am i too stoned aGain lol