HELP many times do i water my plants.Hydro


hi guys how many times a day would i let me hydroponics system feed my plants and for how long ive just started to flower today so quick replies would be grateful,i have 4 plants atm i set it to feed them instead of constantly to a 30min feed every 2 hours i know im wrong but does anyone know ?


Well-Known Member
That would depend on the media that your plants are in.

With hydroton you generally flood about 15 minutes per time and 3-8 times a day depending on plants, stage of growth, etc...

With rockwool you generally flood about once or twice a day for a few minutes because it wicks up water and holds it.


Well-Known Member
On smaller plants with rockwool, you might not need to water everyday untill they start to get bigger, i water every 2-3 days. 4x4x4 RW cubes.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i run mine bout a min abd a half on every 30 min no matter what im gwoing in be it rock or perlite. dro isnt all about watering its about using the water to force old air out draw fresh air into the root zone unless your a real fuckup its almost impos to over water in a dro system


Thanks for the replies guys well ive just started to flower them they are about 12inches but il top them about 1 month into flowering and its swiss cheese,i will say i feed them constantly for 16hrs and they seem to love it but now im flowering il slow it down then to like every 5hrs il try during thier feeding time as i wont feed them at night also its a flood and drain it just run constantly over the roots.BUT after doing some more reading i found that they dont need it all the time hence my question lol.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys well ive just started to flower them they are about 12inches but il top them about 1 month into flowering and its swiss cheese,i will say i feed them constantly for 16hrs and they seem to love it but now im flowering il slow it down then to like every 5hrs il try during thier feeding time as i wont feed them at night also its a flood and drain it just run constantly over the roots.BUT after doing some more reading i found that they dont need it all the time hence my question lol.

At a month into flowering they stop growth and begin bud weight... If you top at that time you will lose your top cola and get nothing for it...


Well-Known Member
i run mine bout a min abd a half on every 30 min no matter what im gwoing in be it rock or perlite. dro isnt all about watering its about using the water to force old air out draw fresh air into the root zone unless your a real fuckup its almost impos to over water in a dro system
Not because you are running hydroponic system that you can't over water! I'll give you few exemples..

Rockwool stay in the water for long time,
DWC without enough air stones,
Coco watered too much,
Bad drainage..

And there is probably many more way to over water a plant in a hydroponic system.


ok i wont top them il let em go a bit but i checked today about the watering i tried watering them for 15 mins every 2nd hour and the spreader matt and rockwool was dry very dry as if it was like a desert so i watered them again for bout 35,40 mins plants cheared up and started to look good after a little feed,my plants are about 1.5ft after 4weeks just about on a constant 18,6 now on thier 3rd day of flowering so il think il water em for 30 mins every 2nd hour see how it goes.still open to suggestions as im still a boner lol i mean a stoner!!!

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
Rockwool stay in the water for long time,
DWC without enough air stones,
Coco watered too much,
Bad drainage..

like i said unless your a fuckup